Lessons || Chapter 21

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Author's Note: To visualize this chapter, listen to the inserted audio. I've used the "Wonder Woman" theme music from a movie called "Batman Vs. Superman." Feedback is appreciated.



We already knew cops arrested Marcus and Calvin, but I zipped down the nearest the highway. Yvonne held onto any breath in the passenger seat. Despite my anger, my heart pounded at the chance of death. Without shame, I'd punched gas throughout, even when police sirens blasted in their loud rhythms. The nearest airport had been our destination.

I refused to lag through grief and horror anymore. Calvin would shortcut his path to me again. We barely escaped the questioning of police when I finally reached the exit for an airport. My speeding paused when Yvonne and I face one another.

"Are you all right?" she breathed. Rental cars swarmed the parking as expected. I gripped the steering wheels, but nerves kicked right back in. Even taking off our seatbelts appeared worthless. The dimples worked into Yvonne's face turned completely red.

"When we get to Florida, I'll be great." I admitted. We somehow grinned at each other for the first time all day. But the fear of previous events crept right back into my mind.

We rushed into the nearest terminal and I hurried toward a clerk. She immediately noticed the fear in our eyes after Yvonne shoved many people out of the way. Paling fingers of the assistant rushed to clear out earlier travel accommodations. My heart pounded strongly once more.

"Location?" she whispered between Yvonne and me. A nervous grinned reached her face by now, but I couldn't mirror her action for obvious reasons. Fellow customers shot glaring expressions, but again, I could've cared less.

Yvonne whispered a city in Florida and I marched in place waiting. My hands began shaking on both sides for once. A lump immediately formed in my throat as I marched in place. I should've murdered Calvin right then and there.

"Everything's booked until tomorrow ladies. I'm sorry." The blonde clerk mumbled. Only sad eyes greeted me. Other patrons looked on with curious and puzzled eyes. I hardly fought an urge to drop on my knees and cry.

Yvonne patted my shoulder and led me back to the rows of seats. I somehow cleared my mind. Seeing Mom would've been my peace now, but this bad news only tampered the comfort I began to feel. I rubbed my temples over and over in circles as Yvonne held onto my arched back. Shameful tears fogged my glasses.



I slowly raised my hands at the sight of a limping Calvin and untouched Marcus. These kids somehow grasped firearms like cops. A lump formed in my throat while judgements raced. Calvin Smith and Marcus Frank inched their way out of prison again. Had this been the end for me? Nelson Prince Rogers?

Absolutely not.

My steps inched backwards carefully just before I picked up my own Glock on the desk behind me. A frenzied chuckle escaped my throat before anything else popped off. The two men froze at my choice. A sly grin crept onto my face and I walked around these two cowards.

With the snap of my finger, my squad appeared. Now this resembled an ambush. Smith and Franklin trembled at the idea of being outnumbered. Even their firearms shook out of grip occasionally. The grin on my face only widened at this point.

"if Jerome lived, he'd proudly smoke both of you." I reminded Smith and Franklin. Even Morris inched closer to threaten those cowards with his gun. "I heard about your mess in California. Is Leslie alive, Smith? Tell me what I wanna know or you'll find yourself wearing another straitjacket."

"Yes." Calvin shook behind his gun. Blood finally stopped gushing from the spot in his now damaged jeans.

Marcus wanted to sprint away and Jesse shot twice. Sadly missing. Just when my comrade planned to aim once more, Calvin winced at his obvious injury. Just as I wondered who injured the monster in front of me, Calvin shot Jesse in the back of his head. As if I were never even standing here with my own gun.

Gore spilled in every direction and my entire team bolted to chase Calvin. Despite the ache in my heart, I watched hair gel and blood spurt all around Jesse's poor head. This was real. I planned to bend toward his lifeless body and say goodbye, but gunshots blasted from the down the hallway.

With no other choice, I left him alone as tears spilled from my livid gaze. Never did the Glock leave my side while I prowled closer and closer to danger. The hallway darkened as expected, but shouting and gunfire kept my ears alert. I stood high against every inch of concrete wall, hiding strategically with the Glock in my hand.

Just when I came face to face with Marcus again, he set his pistol underneath my chin. I hardly breath out of honest fear, but slipped of his trap and pointed my gun toward him. This evil grin crept onto his face and I immediately prepared to destroy his soul. Only a stepping stone toward the real goal in my mind: that monster Calvin Smith.

I planned aim for someone, but my heart quickly stopped. Calvin's now limping frame shot Denise. Both man and woman inched on the cold surface beneath them. A stray gun lay used but useful to Denise and I watched her struggle to reach for the weapon as her physique slowly bled out. I gently kicked over the pistol and she proudly clutched it with fading reflexes. The wrong shot aimed perfectly.

Denise was gone.

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