Chapter 1~A day I thought was special

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[Your POV]
My name is (y/n). I'm 17 and my boyfriend's name is Uno. He's really cute, super hot, and really caring. He's great at gambling and obviously has a lit of money. Today is the 2nd anniversary of us getting together. It's the best day of my life. Right now, I'm sitting in my room, waiting for my lover to return from his gambling sessions.
I bet he won again. I shouldn't even ask when he gets home.
As if it was fate, he came through the door with bags of cash. I know I said I shouldn't ask, but I can't resist. It's such a common question that everyone is addicted to.
"So, how'd it go?"
"Is that even a question? Look at all this cash!"
"Hehe! I know! I couldn't resist the question."
Uno walks over to me and kisses me on the forehead. His lips are so soft. If only I had the courage to kiss him on the lips all the time. And then, the question hit him.
"So Uno? Do you know what day it is?"
"Yeah, Friday."
"Yeah, but it's a very special Friday."
"Of course!"
He remembered!
"I got more money than I usually do."
Or not...
"No, it's a day specifically celebrating the two of us."
"No? Well, what day is it?"
I can't believe this! I thought I finally met a man who doesn't forget anniversaries! And he says he has hunches that are always correct! Nope!
"Uno! It's our anniversary! Our 2nd anniversary!"
Tears began to form in my (e/c) eyes.
"Ooohhh!!!! Damn! I even promised myself I wouldn't forget!"
I began to cry. How could he forget?
"Baby I'm sorry. I didn't mean to forget. I wrote it on the calander and everything!"
"You never look at the calander!"
"Oh baby please don't cry. You know I didn't mean it. Come here."
He pulls me into a hug. I won't try to be stubborn like I always am and try to pull away. He's to muscular and strong. He'll never let me get away. Maybe I shouldn't be angry with him. He's trying to be the best boyfriend he can be and I'm crying over this.
"I'm sorry, Uno. I'm being a ready brat right now, I know."
"A brat? Hell no! (Y/n), I love you, I'd never think less of you! Now, let's go do something for our anniversary!"
Of course, Uno, having a lot of money, recently bought a car. We drove around in that car and started shopping and stuff. We separated for that, since we had to buy each other presents. My gift to him will really surprise him!
[Uno's POV]
Damn....I forgot another one of our special days. I've never forgotten things with my past girls...maybe....maybe I just don't care enough with this one. I mean, she cute, funny and she has everything I want in a girl... But...something is throwing that off. Something that....doesn't capture me...heck...I don't even know what to buy her!
I guess...maybe...

My feelings have changed...
[Your POV]
I found Uno outside the store he was in and I skipped over to him.
"Hey baby! I got your present. Hey, didn't you get something for me?"
He looked uneasy.
"Of course! It's at home, baby doll! Let's go now! Wouldn't wanna keep you waiting for that gift!"
Uno got in the car and I sat in the passenger seat. We went home and I gave him the present.
"You gonna open it?"
", we have to talk....S-sit down."
He's so serious all of a sudden, hope everything is okay.
"What's wrong?"
"Look, (y/n), I've been doing a lot of thinking in the past half hour and I think I should tell you. If I only I knew how to say it without hurting you."
He takes a deep breathe.
"(Y/n) (l/n).......I'm breaking up with you."
There was a shattering sound that only I could hear. It was my heart.
"Now, look! It's not you, it's me! My feelings for you have changed somehow. I don't feel....what's the word...? I don't feel a spark between us!"
I gasped as tears formed in my eyes.
"B-but...we've been together for 2 years! Today was supposed to be special! Damn you!" I yelled at him.
"Come on now, today is still special, isn't it?"
"How can you say that?! Now for years to come, today won't remind me of us getting together, it'll just remind me of the sharp pain I felt when my boyfriend broke up with me!"
"Look, I know it hurts! It hurts me too! It's not easy breaking up with someone without hurting them. Hell, it isn't easy breaking up at all!"
That's when another question came to mind. A question that would follow me for the rest of my life, and there wouldn't be an answer..
"Let me ask you something, Uno. Did you ever love me?"
His eyes widened and he just stood there. I knew it. It's just as I thought. There is no answer because it never happened.
"(Y/n), listen-"
"I've heard enough! The look on your face says it all! You never loved me. You probably only wanted me so that you wouldn't be lonely. Well guess what?! It takes time to find the perfect person! Someone who will love you as much as you love them! It took me a lot of time to find the perfect guy! It took me a long time to find you, Uno! But if you don't feel the same, I'm not judging... I guess if you love someone, you just have to let them go...."
What am I saying? I want to always see his handsome face! Why am I being so hard on him!....why is it so hard to say I'm sorry...?
Uno sighs.
"(Y/n), listen, I know you're angry with me... But is is just how I feel...if I feel anything. My feelings have changed. I don't think they're gonna change back. We can still be friends, if that doesn't make things too awkward."
"Uno..I don't I'll be able to look at you as just my friend. We should just go our separate ways, and forget about all this."
"Whatever works for you."

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