Chapter 4~No signature

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Sorry! Couldn't think of a title for this chapter! But I'll come up with one. Promise!
Enjoy this chapter and enjoy the story!
[Your POV]
"Oh Uno, where are you now? Prison? Home? Or happier with another woman...? I wish I could see again. Hold you. Kiss you..why did you break up with me? Your feelings couldn't have changed."
Tears begin to come into my eyes.
I will find you, Uno...and when I do...we will be together again. I make the same mistakes that caused you to leave me...
I call out to the guard.
"You know my ex, Uno right?"
"He's been in this prison too many times for me to forget. What about him?"
"Where is he now?"
[Uno's POV]
"Aww man! Uno, you won again. I told you I'm bad at this gambling thing." Jyugo complains.
"Oh come on Jyugo! You just need some more practice is all." I say to him, patting him on the shoulder.
"Really? Because I've been "practicing" for 3 hours straight and still haven't gotten any better."
"Oh cry me a river, will ya? Haey Hajime!"
"What is it now number 11?"
"Any cute girls come to see me?"
"If I knew, I would have no choice but to tell you."
"Don't make me laugh, Hajime."
"I'm not being funny. At least, not with you punks."
Hajime walks away.
"Better luck next time, bro." Jyugo said with his head resting in his hand.
"Shut up."

[Time skip brought to you by UNO-KUN]

"Alright, punks, you got two new inmates coming in....get in here, you two."
Two people walk to the door. One is a really big guy with more muscles than me and the other one is a....GIRL!! She has bandages all on her right side and a...flat chest? Her uniform is unzipped a little.....wait....that's a guy?! That looks like a girl! Well, I better not be rude. Hajime leaves after closing he door.
"Hello! I'm Niko(nico? How do you spell it?!)and I'm number 25! I love anime and I hope we can be friends!"
"Hey. I'm Rock. I'm 19 and I just wanna be in a prison that has good food. I'm number 69 and we can be friends, too."
"Hey. I remember you guys. Rock, I got you out of prison and took you to get food. Niko, I helped you out of that sad hospital bed and stuff. I got the shackles off remember?" Jyugo says.
"This is so strange. We're all just meeting up after being in the same prisons. Weird how we're in the same cell." I say. We talk a lot. I knew It'd be more fun with more inmates.
[Your POV]
6 months later.....

"Alright, missy. You're getting out today. I better not see you back here!"
"I better not see your ugly face again. But thanks for telling me where Uno has been. Now maybe I can find him and we can get back together. But how will I do that?"
"Don't know. Don't care. Let's go!" He says and drags me out.

[time skip brought by YOU!]

I walk around the streets in normal clothes and I go home. I sit at a desk and pull out a piece of paper.
"Ok. Let's see. He's in a place called Nanba prison. I should see him. But I doubt he'll know me. I'll send him letters. But I won't sign my name. He'll fall for a girl who's fallen for him, right? Yes. This is perfect. He'll be mine again in no time. Don't worry,Uno, my love, your feelings won't change again...I'll make sure of it...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'re getting crazy! Hope you liked the chapter! Sorry it was short. I'll work on chapter five. Thanks. Love you guys! Bye!

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