Chapter 2~ How long?

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                                    A year later...
[Uno's POV]
"Haha! I win again! Damn, I'm good!" I said proudly talking the money.
"How did you do it? You didn't even have any good cards." My opponent asked me, giving a sly grin. I gave one right back to him.
"Man, there's always some good in the bad things in life. You just have to find it."
"Uno! My man! I see you won again! Good job, bro!" My best friend, AND partner in crime, Haku said to me, giving me a fist bump.
"Thanks, Haku, my boy!"
We walked out of the casino with my money in my pockets. Haku had half of what I got. I share my money with only the best friend in the world.
"I just remembered something! Today is that anniversary thing you have! Dude how long has it been?!"
Did Haku just get sick out of the blue? Or maybe he's just inking of someone else.
"Since what?"
"Don't play dumb, Uno. You know."
"I don't. But I'd love to know!"
"Duh! The breakup! How long has it been?!"
"What breakup?"
"Don't give me that! The breakup with (y/n) of course!"
"Dang. When you said your feelings changed, I didn't think they anger this much...I guess you really didn't love her. You don't even remember."
"Honestly, I don't know what you're going on about."
"Never mind. Anyway, Uno, I'm surprised you haven't gotten caught by the police yet."
"That's why I got an underground casino. So I don't get thrown in prison again."
"Whatever you say, buddy."
[Your POV]
damn! They're right on my tail!
I run as fast as I can as the police catch up to me, closer and closer.
"Stop in the name of the law!"
"Shut up! I'll do whatever I want!"
How did things come to this? I'm committing crimes now. Aw hell with it! I love the criminal life! But why do I feel this ache in my heart whenever I commit them?
I run into an alley but they cornered me.
"End of the line!"
The place handcuffs on me and shove me into the police car.
"You have the right to remain silent."
"Good! Who wants to talk to your ass anyway?!"
"Quiet, you!"
They drive me to the prison and throw me in a cell. It's dusty and gross.
"Yuck! Not my idea of luxury."
"You'll be in here for 6 months, and no longer. Try to escape and- oh forget it! You've been in here enough times to know how this works!"
"Yeah yeah yeah! Now shut up!
Man....being in prison sure brings memories. Uno would always come home with the police when I didn't know where he was. He'd always be in prison. DAMN IT UNO! I LOVE YOU! why did you have to go.....?
[Uno's POV]
"You!" I heard the police yell. They came running towards me. I started running, along with Haku.
"Um, Uno-?"
"I know! The police found out!"
We continue to run but the police, with their muscles and strong legs and- oh whatever! They caught me since they were faster! They let Haku go.
"We can't take him to the prisons here."
"I know where we could take him. Make a call to Nanba Prison. We'll transfer him there. He might be a good little boy there."
"Who're you calling little boy?!"
"Shut up! Get in the car."
They shoved me in the car and took me to the police station. There were a bunch of helicopters. I don't like the way this is looking.

Sorry this one was short. If you're reading, thanks. Hope you like it so far!

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