Chapter 7~It's her

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[Your POV] is the day I've waited for. Better call them to get picked up. Duh!
I dial the number and the warden picks up.
"Nanba Prison. Warden Hyakushiki speaking."
"Hello, my name is (y/n) and I'd like to pay a visit to somebody."
"We'll get a helicopter to pick you up."
"Thank you. Buh-bye.."
I put the phone back on the hook.
"Excellent. Just as I planned. Now all I have to wait.. Oh how I hate to wait."
[Uno's POV]
"OOOOOHHH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!!! TODAY IS THE DAY!!!! SHE'S COMING TODAY!!!!!! HOW DOES MY HAIR LOOK?!?!" I scream as I run around the cell, making sure I look 100% sexy for my lady!
"For the 50th, and I mean 50th time, Uno-Kun. You lookn great! Don't look like that guard with the heavy makeup."

"Ok! Thanks! I just wanna looks good you know?"

"Number 11, you have a visitor. Let's go."Hajime says, opening the door

"Ooohhh ok! Can they come with me?"


"Fine I'm coming...."
Hajime and I walk to the visitor centre and he opens the door.

"Here he is. Number 11, get in here or I'll drag you."

"Ok I'm coming!"
I walk in and i don't believe what my eyes are showing me! It's... Her....


"Oh Uno, you do remember me! I was beginning to think you forgot about me!"

"W-what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you of course. That's what a girlfriend does when her boyfriend is in jail. You don't know how long I've missed you, my love."

"N-No..(y/n) we're done. When I said I was breaking up with you, I meant it."

"Aw don't be like that, honey bunch. You didn't mean any of it. You didn't wanna hurt me at all. You didn't even wanna break up with me in the first place. You just wanted to cover up the fact that you forgot our 2nd anniversary."

".....that was a long time ago."

"Oh, Uno. Have you been asleep too long? Well it's time to wake up, sleeping beauty."

"What are you talking about?"

"That was last year. And you know what else?"


"Today's our 3rd anniversary."


"It does and you know it. And do you remember what I said when you broke up with me?"


"I said that it won't celebrate us being together. It'll celebrate how my boyfriend broke up with me. So in a way, it does count."

"No. No you're crazy!"

"Am I? Or am I speaking the truth to you?"

"...I-I don't know anymore."

"Exactly. You don't know because you still care."

"No! I don't!"

I run out of the visitor center and all I can hear is 'bye bye Uno'.
Sorry this came late! Thanks for reading I hope you like it so far! Any typos I'll find and fix XDDD

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