11-We Stalk The New Kid

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"And you're sure you didn't see what it was?" Sheriff Stilinski raises an eyebrow, looking back and forth between Stiles and I.

I keep silent, lowering my head, and I feel Stiles rub my arm comfortingly. "No. We just walked onto the field and saw him lying there."

Sheriff sighs. "Okay. Okay, uh, what were you two doing coming back to the field?"

Stiles and I exchange a quick look. "Looking for Scott." I say.

"Uh huh. And where were you before that?" He crosses his arms.

Stiles and I hesitate. We can't exactly tell him that we were breaking into Gerard's car to steal from the old man.

"Just...went for a walk?" Stiles says, but it comes out as more of a question.

Sheriff narrows his eyes at his son. "Now that you two are together, I don't have to worry about..."

"No!" I say quickly, butting in. "I mean, no. You don't."

He smiles a little. "I'm glad you two are okay." His eyes stray, and I turn to see Deputy Forbes coming towards us.

"Have you see Caroline?" She sounds worried, and I dreadful feeling creeps in. Caroline is dating Damon, yet Damon is an actual living breathing monster. I'm not Caroline's biggest fan, but if he hurt her...

I catch Scott's eye from his spot at the entrance to the field. He's watching us, a worried expression on his face. I give him a small smile and turn back to Sheriff Stilinski.

"I haven't seen her, but I'll tell the guys to keep a look out for her." He says comfortingly.

"We'll look for her too." I speak up. "She's probably off with Lydia somewhere."

Deputy Forbes gives me a small smile. "Thank you."

Sheriff Stilinski turns back to point at Stiles. "Make sure Emma gets home safely. Be careful."

Stiles nods and tugs my hand. Together, the two of us skirt around the crowd of police officers and ambulances on our way over to Scott.

Stiles and I had lain under the bleachers for a few minutes, holding our breaths and praying that Damon and Stefan don't see us, and by some miracle, they didn't. They just...disappeared. Stiles and I immediately called the police, and then Scott to tell him what happened.

"Are you guys okay?" Scott embraces me when we reach him. I squeeze him tight, thankful that Scott and I managed to get over our troubled past and come together as family. He's my protector, my rock, and I need him more than anything.

"We're fine." I say, my voice muffled by Scott's sweatshirt. I release my brother and step back into Stiles' embrace.

Scott's face hardens. "I have a plan." He says grimly, turning and heading back towards the school. "But first, Stiles, I need you to take Emma home first. I don't want you guys involved." Scott says.

"Uh, no. Absolutely not." I cross my arms and glare at Scott's back. "We're not going anywhere."

Scott stops. "I said I don't want you involved. This is dangerous."

I roll my eyes. "I don't care. Haven't you learned by now that I'm always going to be involved?"

Scott and I stare at each for a few moments, neither of us backing down, before Scott finally slumps his shoulders. "Fine." He sighs and turns back around, continuing walking towards the school.

Stiles and I follow him to the entrance of the boys' locker room where a tall figure stands waiting. It's Isaac. I look over to see Stiles' reaction; he rolls his eyes.

Heliophobia (Teen Wolf/Vampire Diaries) [2]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن