22-There Goes The Neighborhood

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The tomb vampire looks me up and down, eyes glinting in the light and he smirks, but it's not cocky like Damon's. No, his is full of craving and lust; his eyes filled with such a ravenous hunger that terrifies me to the bone. My eyes widen in fear and I try to rip my arm from his grip, but he won't let go.

By now, the entire Grill is staring at us, wide-eyed and unsure.

"We're calling the police." Matt says, his voice firm. Instead of drawing comfort from his presence, I'm terrified for him.

If this man made it out of the tomb, that means that Bonnie's seal didn't hold. And if he made it out...the others might have too.

"Ah ah ah, I wouldn't do that." The vampire turns his attention to Matt. In a flash, he grabs the front of Matt's shirt and pulls him closer. "Lock all the doors and bar the windows."

My eyes widen in horror as Matt's face grows slack and he immediately backs away from the bar. I don't even have to look to know where he's going: following the orders. Poor Matt, who isn't protected by vervain, who can be compelled.

Allison's doe-eyes grow wide as understanding seeps in. "Everybody out!" She screams. "Get out! G--" Her cries are cut off as the man wraps a hand around her throat.

It only takes a split second for chaos to erupt. In unison, people shoot up from their seats, scrambling for the exit. I watch in horror as a man stands, grabs a passing woman by the arm, and sinks his teeth into her neck.

Someone screams, and then another, and another, until the Grill is filled with the sounds of terrified people running and screaming for their lives. Another man stands and grabs somebody...then another...there must be at least five other vampires in the Grill.

My blood turns to ice.

They're here. The tomb vampires...they're here.

The Grill is plunged into darkness, as if the power is cut off, and the screams grow louder. By now, most everyone is out the door, and Matt rushes in, bolting the door shut and yanking the blinds down over the window.

The man tosses Allison, letting go of her neck as she stumbles, her back hitting a booth with a thud. In one swift motion I reach an arm up and punch the vampire in the face. Startled, he lets go of my arm and I push him away, darting to Allison's side.

"C'mon!" I scream, wrapping my fingers around her arm and yanking her to her feet.

We bolt past the man, my eyes skimming the rest of the Grill. There's no way we can make it to the front door. The few people left inside are attempting to fight back, to no avail. The five tomb vampires are everywhere, sinking their teeth into the nearest warm flesh they can find. Matt is skirting around a woman wrestling one of the vampires, and I call out to him.

"Matt! Matt, over here!"

His head jerks up and even from this distance I can see the fear in his eyes. He pushes past the two and breaks out into a run.

"Look out!" Allison screams from my left, spinning around and grabbing a barstool. Crying out, she lifts the chair and hurls it at the vampire I punched. It hits his chest and he stumbles backwards.

Allison grabs Matt and pulls him in our direction as we dart behind the bar. She pushes open the Employees Only door and we file in behind her. Allison slams the door shut and together we press our shoulders to the door as she bolts it. Something slams into the outside and the door shakes.

"Get something to block the door!" She yells over her shoulder to Matt.

Matt is standing with a dazed look on his face, and he starts at her voice. His head whips over and his eyes widen in fear.

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