21-Apologies and Abductions

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I let out a shaky breath, my eyes darting throughout the halls of Beacon Hills High, feeling as though I've been holding in that breath all day. I pass by my first period history room, spotting Mr. Saltzman at his desk. I quickly dart past the room, my nerves frayed and on edge again.

How is it possible that we've resorted to kidnapping?

"Hey!" Someone calls from behind me, and I instinctively shudder. It takes me a moment to realize that was a girl's voice and not Mr. Saltzman. Elena comes jogging up beside me. "You ready for this?" She says quietly, giving me an anxiety-filled look.

I take a deep breath and offer her a somewhat comforting smile. "Absolutely. Don't sweat it, the boys can do this." I say, referencing Scott and Stefan. Also Stiles, who volunteered to be the getaway driver as they transport a very unconscious Alaric Saltzman to the Salvatore Boarding House.

She grins. "This is ridiculous, you know."

I loop my arm in hers and return the grin. "Oh, trust me, I know."

While Elena is allowed at the boarding house with no problem, Scott and Stiles both made me promise that I wouldn't leave the car. They don't trust Stefan and are still worried about Damon hanging around. To ease Scott's mind, I agreed. Plus, there's really nothing I can do. I'm not strong enough to haul an unconscious man down into a creepy basement. I'm the moral support for the night.

We make it through the back doors of the school, spotting Scott and Stiles by the Boy's Locker Room. I tug Elena in that direction, reaching the boys in a few strides.

Stiles wraps his arm around me and pulls me to his side. "You ready for this?"

"Absolutely. I brought the moral support, cheers, the whole nine yards."

"Sure you don't want to borrow my pom poms?" Elena jokes.

"Ha-ha." I say dryly.

Scott sucks in a breath and looks at all of us. I can see the worry and guilt in his face, and I know he's afraid that someone, even Mr. Saltzman, is going to get hurt. My lips curl into a comforting smile, and he relaxes a bit. "Let's go." He says, his voice filled with confidence.

I nod, taking a step forward, when my phone buzzes in my back pocket. I pull it out, triple-checking the new message to make sure I'm reading it correctly.

"What? Who is it?" Scott asks, his eyes wide with worry.

I quickly shake my head. "It's Allison. She wants to talk."

A smile spreads over Scott's face. "See? I told you she'd come around."

"Yeah, and it only took her a few months." I snort. "She has horrible timing."

Scott's smile doesn't fade. "Go, we can handle this."

I look between him and Stiles, eyebrow raised. "You sure? You two can get along with Stefan for a while without ripping each other's heads off?"

Stiles opens his mouth to protest but Scott quickly butts in. "Yes, we'll be fine."

Elena nudges me in the side. "I'll be there to keep them in line."

I give her a small grateful smile. "Okay." I nod. Scott tosses me something and I hold my hand out as the keys to our truck land in my palm. "Thanks Scotty. Call me when the plan works." I say firmly, giving Stiles a quick hug.

I watch the three of them disappear down the hallway before turning and heading for the opposite side of the school. I make it to the parking lot and into my truck; the engine turning on after a few tries. I quickly pull out of the parking lot, my heart pounding.

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