25-Motel in the Mountains

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We find a motel tucked into a little alcove at the base of the mountains. Elena parks next to an old, beat up Mustang and turns the car off. She slumps against the wheel, letting out a loud sigh. Allison and I share a look before I redirect my attention to the shabby motel before us.

The outside is painted a dingy yellow color with faded red shutters over the windows. There's a sign hanging over the porch that reads Sun Valley Motel. It's ugly. But it's a place to sleep.

We gather our bags from the trunk, and as we walk up the concrete walkway to the check-in room, I get a wave of homesickness. We've only been away from Beacon Hills for a day, but I miss it. I feel so disconnected from everything going on there, and I only hope the boys aren't getting themselves into trouble.

Allison pushes open a cracked glass door and a little bell chimes, signaling our entrance. The small, dimly lit room smells like cigarettes. A decrepit old man sits behind a wooden counter, chewing on a toothpick and wearing a more sour look than Derek.

Allison slaps a credit card on the counter and juts out her chin. "A room for three please."

The old man regards her, raising an eyebrow as his gaze sweeps over the three of us. "Sure you don't wanna make it for four?" His thin lips stretch into a flirtatious grin, revealing rows of yellowed teeth.

My lip curls in disgust. Elena's jaw drops and she looks uncertainly at Allison. Allison doesn't flinch. Instead, her lips spread into an equally coy smile. "A room for four then." The old man's eyes widen at Allison's words before she continues. "The three of us plus the shotgun in the trunk."

A brief look of fear flashes across his face. Flustered, the old man quickly nods and picks up a pencil, jotting something down on a piece of paper. He plucks a key from a shelf and slaps it on the counter in front of us. "Please enjoy your stay."

Allison smiles broadly and takes the key from the counter. "Thank you."

"Perv." I whisper under my breath as the three of us leave. Allison checks the number on the key and leads the way.

She unlocks the room and we step inside. Two full-sized beds are against the right wall. In the far back is a table with two chairs around it. On the left wall is a long dresser with a vase full of rotting flowers and an old TV on top. In the back of the room is a door that I can only assume leads to the bathroom.

"Pleasant." I say, my voice flat.

"Flip a coin to see who shares?" Elena asks, pulling a quarter out of her wallet.

"Heads." Allison and I say automatically. Elena flips the coin and we watch as it lands in the center of her palm.

"Tails." Elena grins.

"I get the left side of the bed." I say to Allison, bolting past her and jumping on the bed.

"Not fair." Allison pouts, tossing her duffel bag on the right side of the bed. "I got us away from the perv, I should get a bed to myself."

The three of us laugh. Elena jumps on her bed, sinking into the sheets with a loud sigh. "Today was a bust."

"Not necessarily." I say, propping myself up on my elbow. "You learned some things about Isobel."

"I got more questions than answers." Elena groans, flipping over and burying her face in the burgundy blanket. "Talk about something else. Anything else, please."

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