23-Nothing Left To Say

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"On the table, get him on the table." Deaton orders, swinging the door open and stepping aside as Derek barrels through, carrying Isaac's limp body in his arms.

I follow next, brushing past Derek and emerging into Deaton's operating room. A large steel table is in the middle of the room and I quickly swipe the papers resting on it onto the floor. Derek gently lays Isaac down and I reach out my hand, my palm coming to rest on Isaac's arm. His skin is hot to the touch and clammy, and I turn to Deaton in fear.

"Is he going to be okay?"

Deaton doesn't answer, instead turning to his cabinets on the wall. I feel Isaac's body shudder, and then he jerks upwards. His eyes are wide, glowing a radiant gold, and he gasps, his lips parting as a stream of spray shoots from his mouth.

"Hold him down." Deaton says, his back still to us.

Derek reaches up an arm and places his palm on Isaac's shoulder, but the second his hand comes into contact, Isaac bucks. He lets out a scream as his body starts to convulse, foam erupting from his mouth.

"Uh, Deaton..." I stare in horror at Isaac's trembling body.

"Hold him down!" Deaton spins around, a small vial in one hand and a scalpel in the other.

Immediately I grab onto Isaac's shoulder and push him down. Across from me Derek does the same. Isaac's convulsions get stronger, cries of pure pain emanating from him. I grit my teeth as my grip on him slackens. Allison rushes to my side, placing her hands on his arm and pinning him to the table.

Isaac struggles, kicking up a foot and narrowly missing Deaton's head. "His feet." Deaton motions to Matt, who has been standing in the doorway, watching the whole display with wide, horrified eyes. Matt slowly heads for the table, hesitantly reaching out an arm and grabbing Isaac's feet.

"Hold him still." Deaton says, approaching the table. He comes to stand next to Derek. "One slip and he could die."

At that, Allison and I press down harder against Isaac's shaking body. Deaton raises the scalpel and slices open Isaac's shirt. He tears it the rest of the way, revealing Isaac's bare chest. He expertly twists the scalpel, placing the blade at the top of Isaac's chest. Without hesitation, he presses down, dragging the blade down the middle of Isaac's chest.

As the cut opens, steam puffs out, and Isaac grows still. He lets out a slow breath, and I can see the color start to return to his cheeks. Deaton sets the scalpel down and uncorks the small vial, sprinkling its contents into the cut.

"What is that?" Derek asks.

Deaton gives him a quick glance. "Herbs to purify inside him. Don't worry, he'll be fine."

I let out a shaky sigh of relief and lean into Allison's side. She wraps her arm around me and gives a comforting squeeze.

"Will somebody please tell me what is going on?" Matt's shaky voice reaches my ears, and the four of us turn to look at him.

Deaton furrows his brow. "You are?"

"Uh, this is Matt." I awkwardly smile, introducing him.

Deaton nods, smiling. "Well Matt, I just healed our young friend from a particular and rare poison."

Matt gapes at him. "Wha—but..." he trails off, clearly unsure what to say.

Allison, Derek, and I share a look. Anyone want to tell him? Our eyes seem to say. Allison leans in. "Should we tell him or wait for Stefan?"

"You mean compel him to forget?" I ask incredulously. I shake my head. "No. We can't do that to him."

"Do what?" Matt demands, looking between the three of us with wide eyes.

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