24-Road Trip

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The big parts in italics are flashbacks. It's pretty self-explanatory when reading, but just a heads up. Enjoy!


The wind whips through my hair, leaving behind tangled waves of brown that sweep around my face, stinging my cheeks. I place my elbow above the open window and rest my head against my cheek, staring out at the passing trees at the base of the mountains. The car speeds along the winding roads and the trees start to blur together, making me dizzy as I try to concentrate.

"Adopted?" I gape at my brother. "Wha—what?"

Scott nods, adopting a frown. "I don't know the whole story. Just...while we were at the Salvatore house, she found some picture and got upset. Stefan apparently knew she was adopted and told her, and the rest is history."

I back up into my bed, falling backwards in shock. "I just can't believe it. I can't imagine how she must feel."

Scott and Stiles slump down on either side of me. Stiles hand meets mine, intertwining our fingers. "Do you want me to take you to see her?"

I shake my head. "As much as she might need a friend right now, I'm not leaving this house tonight."

"Why?" Scott says, and I can hear the confusion in his voice.

I let out a small sigh. "Oh, you know, just your everyday psycho vampires out for your blood."

Scott and Stiles bolt upright at the same time, giving me incredulous looks. "Pardon?"

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, preparing myself for the outburst I'm about to receive.

The car turns a corner and I'm jerked out of my reverie, my elbow slipping off the door and sending my head bobbing down. "Ow." I mumble to myself, rubbing my elbow.

"I think you'll survive." Elena grins from her spot in the driver's seat. She strains her neck as she peers over the steering wheel, jerking the car around the next bend with another quick movement that sends me sideways.

A body pushes its way in between the two of us, and I turn my head, only to get a mouthful of hair.

"Could you please roll up your window?" Allison says, her voice a bit muffled by the mess of hair plastered on her face. "It's November, the air is not warm. Or friendly."

I mimic Elena's grin as I roll up the window, only noticing how chilly it is when the glass is shut. "Don't be such a baby."

Allison brushes her hair back and curls her lip in a joking way, mocking my words. "Are we there yet?"

I pull up the GPS, squinting as I try to read the small screen. "Three more hours."

Allison groans and flops back into her seat in the back of the car. "We've been on the road forever."

"We've been on the road for like a half hour." Elena says, letting out a small laugh.

Allison leans forward again, raising an eyebrow. "Really?"

I roll my eyes and set the GPS down. As I lean back in my seat, my eyes drift down to the file folder resting on the floor by my seat. I reach down and pick it up, running my hand over the cover before opening it.

Inside is an adoption certificate, a small packet of papers, and a picture. I flip the adoption certificate around so I can read it, and am once more amazed at the fact that Elena was adopted. She seemed so much like her mom, and it's so strange to think that her parents, her deceased parents, are not actually her real parents at all.

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