29-Party Guessed

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Something tickles my cheek. I reach up my hand and smack my cheek, wincing, but refusing to open my eyes. I pull the covers up over my chin and try to bury my face in my pillow. The tickling sensation comes again, and I groan, rubbing at my cheek again. The third time, I feel something brush over my cheek, and with a start, I open my eyes.

"Holy-" I cry out, trailing off when I recognize the face hovering above me. "Ugh." I complain, throwing the covers over my head and burying myself underneath them.

"You might as well get up, because I'm not leaving here until you do." Lydia says.

"How did you even get in my house?"

"Your mom let me in. Now get up, we have work to do." She demands. 

I toss back the covers, staring at her, jaw dropped. "Um, no. It's Saturday. We haven't had school all week. There is no work to be done."

Lydia cocks her head, jutting out her hip and staring down at me. Her perfect curls encompass her face, her pursed lips covered in her usual lipstick. Her purse is hanging in the crook of her elbow, and she's dressed like a model. As per usual. It's bad right now though because I know it can only mean one thing: she wants me to get out of bed and go out in public.

"There is always work to be done." She quips. "Today, however, is your day. It has nothing to do with school."

A sneaking suspicion rises in me, and I lean forward. "Lydia, please tell me you're not talking about-"

"Your birthday?" Lydia smirks. "No, whatever gave you that idea? Unless...oh, is today your birthday?" Lydia fake gasps, placing her hand on her heart in a mock gesture.

"Lydia." I draw her name out, frowning. "Did you stalk me on every social media website available?"

She shrugs. "Of course. I have to know who I call my friends."

I groan and flop backwards on the bed. Only three people know my birthday is today: Mom and Scott for obvious reasons, and Stiles, because he knows his best friend's birthday. Which obviously means he knows mine. I never tell people because I never had a reason to. I never really had a birthday party and never really wanted one. I was just expecting to have dinner with Mom, Scott, Stiles, and hopefully Allison tonight. Of course I should've figured Lydia would find out.

"Nobody is supposed to know my birthday is today. I hate people making a big deal out of things." I find myself crawling out of bed as I talk to Lydia. I head over to my closet, digging through my clothes in search of something to wear.

"Well then it's a good thing I didn't tell anybody. Even your twin brother." She says, rolling her eyes. "Honestly, how you ever thought you could keep it a secret is beyond me, but whatevs." Lydia is walking slowly around my room, peering at all my stuff. It's starting to make me uncomfortable, what with her gigantic house and rich life she lives. My room feels like a dump compared to hers.

But then she stops at my desk, picking up a picture frame I have sitting on top. It's a picture of the two of us from summer, laughing, arms around each other. She smiles, touching the glass with her fingertips. Over the summer, I saw a side of Lydia I never even thought existed. Feeling a sudden rush of love for my friend, I turn back to my closet, picking out the cutest dress I have. I pair it with a sweater, leggings, and boots, knowing that the better I dress, the happier Lydia will be. I know I'm right when I turn around and Lydia gives me a satisfied nod and smile. After that, I let her do my hair and makeup, and I end up loving the result. We finally descend the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Happy Birthday!" Mom cries, rushing over to me and scooping me up in a big hug. When she finally lets me go, I see she has tears in her eyes. "My babies are seventeen."

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