Chapter Four

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Note: As promised...Vote please and leave some comments so I know someone is actually reading this stuff.
xoxo -DANE

Cassandra's POV

As we neared my old man, someone reached him first and to my surprise it's my redhead goddess. Grandfather turned to her and greeted her with a warm familiar smile. They know each other... And for years I've been looking for her and my grandfather knows her. Excellent! Why have I never randomly ask this old hag if he knew a voluptuous redhead golden eyed beauty. Which he probably knew since he runs a whole array of supernaturals. I'm finally questioning my capability of actually using my brain properly.

I composed myself regained my regal posture like the LeGrand that I am before ever so rudely yet gracefully coming in between the two of them, my back is turned from the redhead who was obviously talking to Alexandros. I gave grandfather a sweet smile like I did nothing wrong. And surely as soon as he saw me he greeted me with a warm smile.

"Mama Mia, Cassandra my beautiful beautiful granddaughter." he stood up from his seat, opened his arms and I happily crossed the distance and embraced him. If this merciless, coldhearted, powerful man ever had a weakness. It would be I, his one and only grand daughter. His future successor. "Mi Hermosa, how are you?" my father speaks a hundred language, both of new and old. But Spanish is one of his favorites. For my late grandmother was Spanish.

I pulled away and by that time I know we have caused a scene and have called for unwanted attention. "Grandfather I missed you and I'm quite offended that you didn't give me a heads up that you will be appearing in Virago."

"Ija, this wouldn't be a surprise of an announcement if you happen to knew. But enough of that you're a bright girl surely you have catch up that Virago will become an exclusive school for SN. To create stronger bonds between newer generation." I raised an eyebrow. The moment I did my grandfather's cold gray eyes sparkled. He knows that I'm not buying that excuse. It was acceptable, yes, but there was more. And I want details. "Later, I hate how sharp your senses are." he sighed. I smiled, he turned to my side and looked at Stella she took that as her cue and came closer to place a kiss on my grandfather's cheeks. The Beaumont and LeGrand are close to each other, Stella's late grandfather and mine are bestfriends. "Grandpops it's good to see you well," Stella said with a charming smile. I shook my head a bit. Rude. "You have become such a beauty Stella, you took after Elise." Elise is Stella's grandmother. "But before I start reminiscing and retelling stories of old, I want the two of you to meet Calyx," He looked behind me and I turn around to face her. I tried my hardest not to gawk and act as normal as I could in front of the most gorgeous golden orbs in the world. Exaggerating? Yes.

"Calyx Astaroth, glad to finally make your acquaintance," her eyes was staring at my own as deep as I am looking at hers. I reached for the hand she offered to shake but to my surprise she brought it to her lips instead and placed an agonizingly light kiss on top of it, her eyes not breaking contact with mine.

"Cassandra LeGrand and it's my pleasure." I suddenly realize that she was still holding my hand when Stella took it upon herself to break our hands away from each other and shook Calyx's hand. "And I'm Stella Beaumont, a pleasure to meet you." we broke the staring contest and she looked at Stella. I was still looking at her face and I saw a hint of dislike but it came too fast maybe I was imagining it. Or she probably really didn't like the fact that Stella had interrupted a heart drumming moment. But before my mind wonder of any further. Reality hit me. "Astaroth?"

"Yes darling, Calyx is the princess of the underworld. The daughter of the demon king. A good friend of mine." Grandfather answered on his own as he sat back on his chair. I looked back at Calyx. She smiled at me. So she is from the demon race and not just any demon but of royal blood as well. I really thought she was a vampire.

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