Chapter Seven

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Okay guys, finally made up my mind on how this chapter should go.

Please have conflicted feelings like I did while I was writing this part. XD

Cassandra's POV

My heart was beating fast as I stare at the golden orbs above me. Her eyes that puts even the brightest star to shame. Remembering what she was ranting on earlier, this is what she meant that she gets bad when she has too much sugar. She then craves a nectar sweeter than any dessert. I bit my lower lip. She had me pinned down good on the bed. This woman is the daughter of the man who rules the underworld, the fear feeder.

She leaned down and stopped when we were eye to eye an inch away from each other, my breathing was quickening and my stupid heart was on a rampage now. I could smell her warm pepper scented breath, intoxicating my senses fogging my brain with heated thoughts. Her eyes was going from my lips and back to my silvery ones. I just want to shut it close but somehow I don't want to miss a moment to be able to marvel at this red head's features having her this close to me. She leaned a little lower making our nose touch.

"I crave you," I gulped as I my ears tingle to the sensual voice and how our lips lightly brushed as she spoke. I want to give in to this euphoric feeling but at the back of my head someone or something was stopping me. It keeps on tugging at the last thread of reasoning left. But every time I stare at the two magnificent eyes in front of me, it kept me hypnotized.

But I was better than this. I closed my eyes and did my best to clear my head. I took a deep breath and once again opened my eyes. She was now caressing my cheeks. My face went blank of expression.

"Calyx, get your senses back and let go of me this instance. Or I'll make you see hell." I said. But instead she grinned.

"But darling, I live there." I want to mentally slap myself for forgetting that she does live in hell. But this has gone too long. As much as I want to take advantage of this situation to satisfy my own cravings, I just can't. She isn't the only royalty in here. I used my strength to pull my right hand out of her grip and pushed her off of me. I quickly went to her back and put a tight grip on her shoulder.

"Take some rest, Calyx." I hit a few nerves and she went limp in my arms. I sighed. I think I need to take a bath to cool down my senses that Calyx set a flame.

After tucking Calyx on the bed I went straight for my room and got the bath ready. I was removing my earrings when my eyes caught sight of a polaroid photo on the table. There was two girls in the photo. A girl wearing a white crop top looking at the camera smiling ear to ear, cotton candy in hand, it was me. The first time I went to a carnival. The other girl was wearing a faded denim jacket over a tank top not looking at the camera but at me, she had her arms around me. She looked at me as if I was the best thing she ever laid eyes on. I flipped the photo.

At the back was written.

"Perdutamente innamorato"

Lost in love.

I quickly put the picture inside the drawer. I took my clothes off throwing it inside the laundry basket. I sat by the tub and dipped my hand it was just about the right temperature. I stepped inside and slowly let my self sink letting the the warm water comfort me. It felt so good against my skin, I sighed. Going through this days event was tiring and it has been what? Half way through the day only. I felt sleep taking over.

There was a carnival in the next town and was the weekend. Arabella knew I haven't gone to a carnival though I've been to a lot of theme parks. So she decided we spend our weekend there. Stella was third wheeling us but we lost her somewhere when she started flirting with some girl.

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