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dear diary,

today, when i went to my locker, i saw two purple a6 sized papers stuck on the door. i looked around to see if there's anyone nearby who could possibly slot those in my locker, but everyone was minding their own business. i got curious and read them. the first paper had a written "30 letters from me to you" , sort of like a book cover. the other paper had a handwritten note,

"hello haeryung,

this is my first letter to you. i hope you won't throw this away though. i've picked up alot of courage to write this letter to you. honestly, i've been liking you ever since 4 months ago. i've always wanted to confess to you, but i'm too afraid of rejection. well, you're a really pretty girl, inside and outside, and you're also really smart and good in sports. there's a good chance you'll reject a decent guy like me who only reads and reads. anyway, 30 days from now, i'll write you a letter everyday. hope you look forward to it !

love, anonymous"

i didn't know i had an admirer. it's cute though. i wanna meet him sometime !!

- park haeryung

anonymous [ seventeen's joshua ]Where stories live. Discover now