• thirteen •

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dear diary,

it's saturday, which means
1. weekends!
2. it'll be exactly a week before i get to meet the anonymous!

i went to the mailbox to take the letter, and opened it up. i read it as i walk back into my house,

"ryung~ since it'll be exactly a week till i'll meet you, i think it'll just be appropriate to tell you a little bit more about myself...? (≧∇≦) so.. i'm partially korean. i love to sing, and play the guitar. i i can speak another language, but it'll probably be a dead giveaway since there's hardly people in our school who is super fluent in that language. i love to read, and also watch movies, especially horror ones. i also love football! i dislike the colour green, don't ask me why. oh, i really really love chicken! this is it~ have a nice day haeryung!

love, anonymous"

i realised we have a few similiarities, so we can probably click well! i really hope one day i can hang out with him, i can tell he is friendly and outgoing. i can't wait to meet him at all!

- park haeryung

anonymous [ seventeen's joshua ]Where stories live. Discover now