• nineteen •

117 4 0

dear diary,

it's tomorrow. the day is tomorrow. it's unbelievable. i'm still confused over who the anonymous will be. i don't think it's minghao now. yesterday, i was paired up with him to do some experiment during chemistry. his handwriting was different.

...he couldn't possibly change his handwriting so that i wouldn't suspect, right?

i don't knowwwww

anyway, this is what the anonymous wrote to me today.

"ryung~ we'll be meeting tomorrow! i have a rough idea on how our date will go about tomorrow. check your mailbox tomorrow morning by 10am, okay? the details will all be in the letter. i'm so excited.

love, anonymous"

when i reached home earlier, i immediately went to see what outfit i could wear tomorrow. after a while, i decided that i could just wear a white long sleeve tucked in a black floral skirt. then, i can just wear my white converse. i hope i'm not overdressed for tomorrow, i really want a nice first impression of myself.

- park haeryung

anonymous [ seventeen's joshua ]Where stories live. Discover now