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i looked down to my wrist to check the time. i reached the café on time, just like how the anonymous told me to. as i enter, i scanned the whole café to look for someone in light denim top. my heart was beating uncontrollably. i felt so nervous. i packed the chocolates in a paper bag. as i was holding onto it, i gripped onto the paper handle tightly. just then, i saw joshua, and thought i should say hi to him.

"joshua!" i called, which made him turn around. he was sitting alone. i waved at him and walked towards him, which made him stand.

"how coincidental! what are you doing here?" i smiled, completely oblivious.

"well, waiting for someone.." he nervously spoke. his eyes kept wandering everywhere, not being able to make eye contact with me.

"ooohhh, i wonder who~ you even have a bouquet of flowers for her~ i'm waiting for someone too!" i teased him slightly, poking his arm, which made him seem even more nervous.

then, i paused.

i scanned joshua's outfit from head to toe, and look back into his eyes.


joshua smiled sheepishly, and slightly nodded.

"it's you..?"


i grinned, and hugged him tightly. it was definitely someone i least expected. i broke the hug, and sat opposite him. i handed him the chocolates. i realised it was a perfect gift for him, knowing how much he lovessss chocolate.

"thank you," joshua shyly thanked me.

he seem to not know how to start the conversation. he kept fidgeting, which was adorable.

"oh um,"

joshua handed me a bouquet of flowers. i profusely thanked him. my happiness couldn't be defined. no words could describe how i felt. i was over the moon.

as joshua was sitting in front of me, it made me remember when i didn't know my exact feelings towards "anonymous", and joshua. turns out, joshua was the anonymous. i felt foolish for not realising.

but hey, we've met.
and i'm pretty sure, this is justhe start. the beginning of our relationship.

anonymous [ seventeen's joshua ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant