• twenty •

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dear diary,

this is it.
today's the day.
i couldn't sleep well yesterday, because i was overly excited for today.
after 20 days of wondering who has been writing to me, i'll finally get to meet him today.
it was 9.30am when i went down to take the letter. the last letter he'll write to me.

"ryung~ this will be the last letter i'll write to you. haha, anyway, today's the day we'll meet! okay, so i'll be at starbucks in the mall near your house. i'll be wearing a light denim top with dark blue pants. i'll reach there by 1.15pm, so you can come at 1.30pm! i need time to get us some drinks, hehe xD i'm really looking forward to today!

love, anonymous"

i took my time to get ready, and now i have half an hour more before i will meet him. my heart is beating so fast. i got the anonymous some chocolates, to thank him for plucking up the courage to confess to me & writing to me. i'm pretty sure i'll like him. okay, it's about time i leave to meet him. everything WILL turn out well. hwaiting!

- park haeryung

anonymous [ seventeen's joshua ]Where stories live. Discover now