Chapter One

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•Two Years Later•

~Danielle's POV~

I rocked my little girl in my arms, trying to get her to fall asleep. She held her bottle in her mouth as she hiccuped from crying a minuet or two earlier.

I smiled down at her and stroked her short curly hair.

When she finished her bottle, I stood up from the rocking chair and put her in her crib.

"Night night, baby." I whispered as I grabbed the baby monitor and left the nursery.

"Rosie! Dylan! Time to get into bed!" I said as I walked down stairs to find Dylan watching the Telly and Rosie no where in sight.

"Dylan, it's time for bed." I said again as I opened the door to the playroom and walked down the stairs. Sure enough, Rosie was playing with her Barbie dolls.

"Come on, Rosie. Time for bed." I said.

"But moooom!" She whined.

"No, time for bed Rosie. C'mon. You can play barbies all you want when schools out." I said as I helped her up off the ground and she ran up the stairs.

Dylan was in the kitchen getting the milk carton out of the fridge when I came up.

"What're you doing?" I asked him.

"Just getting a cup of milk." He said as he poured some milk into a cup.

"Then up to bed when you're done." I said as I walked up stairs to Rosie's room.

She was sitting at her little table playing with the barbies she had in her room.

"Rosie, c'mon. No more barbies tonight." I said. She stood up and sighed before walking to her dresser and pulling out a pair of pajamas.

The monitor went off, the sound of my two year old daughter crying scaring me.

"Change into those and I'll be right back." I said as I walked out and back into the nursery.

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked as I walked over to the crib.

"I not tired!" She cried.

I sighed, and took her out of her crib and placed her on my hip before exiting the nursery once again and walked back into Rosie's room and saw her sitting in her bed.

I set the baby down for a minuet to tuck Rosie in.

"How come Taylor doesn't have to go to bed?" Rosie asked as she yawned.

"Cause she's just a baby. She doesn't go to school either." I smiled as I kissed her forehead.

"I wish she could go to school for me." She sighed.

I chuckled before I picked Taylor up and bent over so Rosie could kiss her little sister goodnight.

"Say night night!" I said as I took Taylor's hand and waved to Rosie before walking to Dylan's room.

He was in his bed with a skateboarding book in his hands as he looked through it.

"You getting better at it?" I asked as he handed me the book.

"I'm working on it. I think I'm doing better." He said.

"Well, you can practice tomorrow when you get home from school." I said as I ruffled his hair and bent down so Dylan could kiss Taylor as well.

I walked out of his room and down stairs to see Liam walk through the front door.

"Hey, baby. Hi, Taylor-Tot!" He smiled. I smiled and pecked his lips before handing Taylor to her daddy.

"Why are you not sleeping, miss Taylor?" He asked her as he kissed her cheek.

"I not tired!" She said again.

He laughed and walked into the living room.

"I guess you'll have to sit with daddy then." He said as he sat down on the couch with her in his lap and turned the Telly on.

"I'm gonna go up to bed, I'll meet you up there." I said as I walked up the stairs and into our bedroom.

I was already in sweats and a tank top, so I didn't bother to change and got into bed.

~Louis' POV~

I walked in the door and saw my babies sitting in their high chairs eating their late dinner.

"Hi, babies!" I said happily. Eleanor turned to face me, a look of happiness washed onto her face and she came over to me and I pecked her lips and hugged her, and then my little boy spoke up.

"Daddy!" He squealed.

"Daddy!" My little girl squealed as well.

"Leo! Leah!" I smiled as I walked over to their high chairs and kissed their foreheads.

Once they finished their dinner, I took Leo and Leah into the bathroom to bathe them, which was a disaster. Two toddlers splashing around and throwing rubber duckies at you is hard to handle when you're trying to clean them.

"Alright, alright, lets get you two chipmunks into your pajamas!" I said as I wrapped Leah in her tiger towel with a hoodie, and Leo in his alligator towel with a hoodie before I sent them running to their room.

El had their pajamas laid out on their cribs and I helped Leah into her pajamas first, then sending her to her mommy so she could brush her hair.

"Leo, ready for this?" I asked. He giggled as I helped him put his shirt on over his head.

He absolutely loved when you put a shirt over his head for some reason. It's weird. But absolutely adorable.

I helped him into his pull up and then patted his bum before he ran out of the room.

"Hey, come back here, mister!" I yelled happily as I chased my son around.

Once I found him at the end of the hallway and he noticed he was cornered, he squealed loudly and managed to run right in between my legs and down the other way.

I chuckled as I ran back the other way and was getting tired of chasing him around, and collapsed at the end of the hallway, causing all three of my lovelies to laugh at me.

"Daddy you fell!" Leah laughed.

"I'm too fast for daddy!" Leo said in his cheeky voice.

"Yeah, you're too fast for daddy." I smiled.

I then got up and scooped him up and threw him over my shoulder and carried him to their room before playfully throwing him to his mattress in his crib, making him laugh like crazy.

"Alright, mister. Time to calm down and go to bed." I smiled.

"Daddy! No!" He whined.

"Yes, Leo. Daddy's tired, so I'm gonna go to sleep, too!" I said.

He pouted and I leaned over the bars of his crib and kissed the top of his head. El came in with lean and put her in her crib before we switched and I kissed Leah goodnight before we walked out of their room and into ours.

"They're going to need their own beds.." I said as I plopped down on the bed.

"Yeah.. They're growing up too fast.." She sighed.

~Niall's POV~

I held my girlfriend of two years in my arms as she cried.

"Baby, it was just a movie." I chuckled as I rubbed her back.

She pulled away and I wiped her tears with my thumbs before putting a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"I know, I'm sorry. It just made me think about my past." She sniffled.

"You're okay, Madds. I love you." I smiled.

"I love you, too, Ni." She returned the smile.

"Lets go to bed, it's been a long day." I said as I stretched while she still sat in my lap.

She then stood up and that gave me just enough time to playfully slap her bum, causing her to squeal.

"Niall!" She blushed as she started laughing.

"Couldn't help it, love." I chuckled.

She then ran down the hallway and I got up off the couch and chased her into the bedroom. By the time I got in there, she was in the bed laughing and screamed when she saw me.

I ran from the doorway and jumped onto the bed, causing me to land right on top of her.

"Oops." I smiled down at her.

She then stopped laughing and ran her fingers through my messy hair.

"How did I get so lucky?" She asked as she looked into my eyes.

"It's the other way around, baby." I said as I leaned down and kissed her lips, resting one hand on her left cheek and the other hand right above her bum.

I pulled away after a few moments and turned the lamp off on the night stand table before rolling off of her and covering us up with the blanket and wrapping my arm around her waist.

She snuggled up to my side and draped her arm over my stomach.

"Night, princess." I whispered. I didn't get a response back, so I figured she was already asleep.

~Liam's POV~

Taylor sits in my lap while I go onto twitter.

'@Real_Liam_Payne: sitting with my little girl! Someone's going to be up for a while! Thinking of doing a twitcam...?'

I reached over and grabbed the lap top on the coffee table and logged into my livestream account.

I clicked on 'go live' and my twitcam started.

"Hello everyone! Say hello, Taylor!" I smiled to my 386 viewers.

"Hiiiii!" Taylor giggled.

"Someone's not very sleepy tonight, yeah?" I asked. She shook her head 'no' and I chuckled.

I read some of the comments on the side, smiling at them.

"Can you have Taylor do her monkey face?" I read a comment aloud.

"Can you do your monkey face, Taylor?" I asked. She grabbed her ears and stretched them out as she did her monkey face.

"Very good!" I laughed at how cute she looked. "You do it better than daddy!"

"Sing her a lullaby and see if she'll fall asleep!" One read.

I looked at Taylor.

"Want me to sing to you?" I asked.

She nodded with a smile.

"Alright, sing with me everybody." I said as I cleared my throat.

"Your hand fits in mine, like it's made just for me.

But bear this in mind, it was meant to be.

And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks, and it all makes sense to me."

I sang the first verse of our old song.

"I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile,

you've never loved your stomach or your thighs,

The dimples in your back, at the bottom of yours spine, but I'll love them endlessly."

I sang my verse.

"I won't let these little things slip

Out of my mouth.

But if I do, it's you, oh it's you they add up to.

I'm in love with you, and all your little things."

Taylor looked up at me from her laying position in my arms.

"You can't go to bed without a cup of tea,

And maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep.

And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep, though it makes no sense to me."

"I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape,

You never want to know how much you weigh,

You still have to squeeze into your jeans, but you're perfect to me."

"I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth.

But if it's true, it's you, it's you, they add up to. I'm in love with you, and all these little things,"

"You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you.

And you'll never treat yourself right darlin' but I want you to.

If I let you know I'm here, for you.

Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, oh."

"And I've just let these little things slip, out of my mouth.

Cause it's you, oh it's you. It's you, they add up to, and I'm in love with you, and all these little things."

"I won't let these little things slip, out of my mouth. Cause it's you, it's you, it's you, they add up to. I'm in love with you, and all your little things."

A/N: keep reading...... --------->

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