Chapter Six

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~Danielle's POV~

It's been 3 weeks since Perrie's miscarriage. Of course her and Zayn are still very upset, but they're moving on with their lives slowly. Liam and I have started planning our wedding that's to come this fall. We haven't set a date yet, but we have a few things planned. For instance, we chose where it's going to be, and the color theme. We're going to get married in a simple church, neither of us wanting our wedding to be that big. We have decided on purple and black for our color theme. We're thinking of inviting somewhere around 100-200 people. Today, Liam and I are taking the kids to the San Diego Zoo, since we haven't really taken them anywhere since school got out. Rosie's 9th birthday is coming up a month from now, and she's decided she wants another house party, since we have the land.

"Dad, can we get ice cream?" Dylan asked. "Yeah, Daddy, can we?" Rosie asked. "Sure, lets find an ice cream stand then." he smiled to his children. Dylan just turned 11 a week ago, and apparently going from 10 to 11 is a big deal for him. He's acting grown up and more mature, and focusing on skateboarding and his friends a lot more. As for Rosie, she's still our little girl who giggles all the time. She's so innocent. I looked down at Taylor in her stroller and she was sound asleep. It was rather hot out today, so I'm glad she's sleeping instead of whining.

By the time the kids had decided they'd seen enough, we headed back to Los Angeles. Taylor was awake the whole way home, and once we were in L.A., we stopped at McDonald's for dinner before heading home. After all three kids were showered and into bed, Liam and I finally had time to talk.

"They're aging so fast," I said once I climbed into bed. "Yeah, they are. Too fast." he said.

The next day I called Perrie, Eleanor, Maddy, and Kylie for a girls night out. Once I got them all to agree, I took the kids to the beach for some fun in the sun. Liam and the lads were all busy working today, so it was just the four of us.

I loved seeing my kids so happy. Dylan and Rosie tried getting Taylor to step in the water and every time the waves would come, she'd scream and jump away, which made me laugh every time. I took a small video of Taylor freaking out at the waves and posted it to Instagram.

I got up and picked Taylor up and carried her into the water, Dylan and Rosie following behind. Taylor kept spazzing out because she was now wet and didn't seem to like it. "Look, Tay," I said to her as I took my hand and ran it over the water, making a small ripple around me. She found that amusing so she put her hands in the water. When she started splashing, I set her down on the shoreline and she played with the wet sand, burying her tiny little legs. Before we left the beach, I got the kids together for a picture. Dylan and Rosie each held one of Taylor's hands and Rosie put a peace sign with her other hand while Dylan kept his other hand at his side. "1,2,3, smile!" I said happily as I snapped the picture. I dried Taylor off before I held onto her hand as she walked slowly back to the car. Once we were all situated in the car, I drove home and right away gave Taylor a bath before putting her down for her afternoon nap.

Later that night, I started getting ready for tonight. I went to the walk-in closet that Liam and I shared and pulled out a short tight black dress. I put it on, and went into the bathroom and straightened my curly hair before putting on simple makeup. I went back to my closet and picked out a pair of 4 inch heels and put them on. I put on my perfume and walked down stairs, seeing Liam walk through the front door.

"You look lovely, where are you going?" he asked as he pecked my lips and gave me a hug. "It's ladies night out tonight." I said as I made sure I had everything. I kissed all my lovelies goodbye and got in my car and drove over to Maddy's, because that's where everyone was meeting. When I got there, Kylie and Perrie were there, but not Eleanor. "Awh, you both look so stunning," I squealed as I hugged them both. This was Perrie's first night out since her miscarriage. She's literally been home, on the couch, doing nothing for three weeks. "Perr, you need this. You deserve it." I smiled at her. She nodded and smiled back. "Yeah, I do need it." "It's about time!" Kylie squealed when Eleanor walked in, looking gorgeous as ever. "It's still so hard to believe that twins came out of you." Perrie laughed as she hugged El. Eleanor laughed and after a few minutes, we all got into Niall's Range Rover and headed out.

We pulled up to a club and got in right away. We all instantly ran into other people we knew, but went to a booth and after deciding that Kylie was going to be the designated driver, ordered drinks. We talked and laughed all night, it was so relieving, seeing Perrie back to herself. We all got up from the booth after a few drinks and danced with each other. We laughed every time someone tripped in their heels. So far, tonight has been a night that all of us girls needed. That was until someone showed up.

~Liam's POV~

After a long day of working with the lads, I thought I was going to come home to a home cooked meal and have a lazy night with my family, but instead I came home to my fiancé all dressed up an ready to go, and no home cooked meal. After Dani left, it was going on 7, and the kids were starving. I grabbed my phone and called Harry. "Hello?" Harry answered on the fourth ring. "Hey, mate, would you like to go out to dinner with the kids and I and then stay over here for the night?" I asked. "Yeah, sure, just let me shower and I'll be on my way." he said before he hung up. I got the kids ready to go out to eat and Harry showed up about 30 minutes later. After we were all full, we left the restaurant and went to the store and rented a few movies to watch tonight. When we got back home, it was going on 9:30, and Dylan and Rosie went up stairs to change into their pajamas while I changed Taylor. Harry had made Taylor a bottle by the time I got back down stairs with her. I gave it to her and Harry put the first movie in as the kids and I sat down on the couch. Rosie went and sat in Harry's lap and cuddled up to him and fell asleep halfway into the movie. Dylan had a hard time keeping his eyes open, but made it through the movie. Taylor was still wide awake, which I was surprised about. I swapped Taylor for Rosie, and carried Rosie up stairs and tucked her into bed. I came back down and Dylan got up and walked up to bed. Taylor sat in Harry's lap as he played with her curly hair. "Her curls just amuse me." he said after a moment of silence as he continued to play with them. "So bouncy," he added. I laughed and sat back down on the couch, tired as hell. "Mate, why don't you sing her to sleep, she loves your voice more than mine." I said as I yawned. "Ah, I see. You secretly want me to sing you to sleep because you're too tired to go back up stairs am put your child to sleep." he smirked. I didn't say anything, so he sat up and cradled Taylor in his arms before he started softly singing a song that I didn't recognize and soon fell asleep, his voice soon drowning out.

A/N: i didn't know how to end this chapter.. but who do you think shows up at the club??



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