Chapter Five

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A/N: I am so sorry for the wait again! This is just a filler chapter, but believe me, I'm getting to something! Leave me your thoughts, Enjoy!

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~Danielle's POV~

The next day, Perrie was released from the hospital. I felt awful for Perrie and Zayn. I've never had a miscairage, I was just told that I would never be able to have a baby of my own. This is worse. Perrie was actually pregnant. a living thing was growing in her stomach. Then BAM. It's gone. Perrie's face was still very pale, and she looked awful by the time they left the hospital. Liam had gone home to check on the kids and send Alex home, since we were at the hospital longer than we thought we were going to be. Zayn looked awful, too. The saddest thing I saw on the both of them were tear stains. I'd called Eleanor to tell her and Louis the news, and El and I both decided we were going to try to make Perrie feel better. We both figured she needed time to herself, but we were going to cheer her up. By the time I'd returned home, Liam was on the phone with someone and the kids were all down in the play room. "Yeah, mate, I know. Alright, I'll see you then." he hung up the phone. "Who was that?" I asked quietly. "Niall. Zayn or Louis must've called him and told him, and he called me flipping out about it." he said. "Are you meeting up with him?" I asked. "Yeah, Harry still doesn't know about it yet. We were gonna invite him along so we could tell him then." he said. I nodded. "Are you okay?" he asked as he came over to me. "It's not fair. Not to Perrie and Zayn." I said. "I know, baby. I know.' he brought me into a hug. "I mean, I was told by several different doctors that I wasn't able to have a baby, and look at Taylor. And out of all things, she had to have a miscairage. She's able to have babies, yet she has a miscairage. How's that fair?" He rubbed my back, trying to get me to calm down. "It'll be okay, they'll get through it. Something good always comes after something bad happens. For example, when you found out you couldn't have babies, Rosie and Dylan came into our lives. And now we have Taylor. Believe me, something good will come from this." Liam said as he kissed my temple and walked away. I went down into the playroom to see my three precious children playing together. "Hi mommy." Rosie said as she stood up and came over to me. I pulled  her into a hug. "What're you playing?" I asked as she pulled away from the hug. "I'm trying to get Taylor to play barbies with me, but she keeps putting them in her mouth." I chuckled. "I think she's a bit too young to play with barbies right now. She could choke on something and we all know that wouldn't be good." I said as I kissed her head and went over to Taylor.

~Liam's POV~

Later on that day, I went out to meet with Harry and Niall. We talked about it for awhile, and then we all went out for a few drinks. Niall didn't waste any time in getting wasted, so that left just Harry and I. "How are you and Kylie?" I asked. "We're good. I really like her a lot."  he said. "Do you think she's the one?" I asked. "I don't know, I mean, she's amazing. But I'm not 100% sure yet." "And that's okay. You don't have to know right now." I said. "What about you? How are you and Dani? Have you started planning for the wedding yet?" I smiled. "We were going to start soon. But I don't know if she's up for it right now. This whole miscairage thing has really gotten to her." I said. He nodded. "That's understandable." 

Later on, After Niall was passed out, we drove him home. I told Maddy about Niall's situation of being drunk, and she didn't seem surprised. "Usually every time he goes out during the night, he comes home like this. I'm just glad he's home and staying out of trouble." "What do you mean? Has he gotten into trouble before?" I asked. "No, but I have my thoughts about what he could be doing when he goes out to clubs and stuff like that." she said. "Niall wouldn't do that to you, Maddy." I said. "Seriously, he loves you. He talks about you all the time!" Harry added. She smiled and looked over at Niall, who was sound asleep on the bed. "Well, we better get going." I said. "ALright, thanks for bringing him home. And if you see Perrie or Zayn before I do, tell them I'm really sorry." she said. "Will do," I smiled before we walked back out to the car.

When I got home, the only light on in the house was the lamp by the couch. I saw my fiance's curls on the couch, and I took it as she was asleep, since it was dead silent. I walked over and then noticed that all three of my children were asleep next to her. Dani was holding Taylor as she rested against her chest, Rosie's head was laying in Dani's lap, and Dylan was curled up at the end of the  couch. This was the cutest sight. I took out my phone and went to my camera before taking a picture of them and then posted it straight to twitter. I took a blanket that was hanging over the recliner and laid it over all of them. I smiled as I walked up stairs and got myself ready for bed, seeing as I was exhausted myself. It's been a long and eventful last 24 hours that's for sure.

@Real_Liam_Payne: my lovely family, all sound asleep! <3 'pic.twitter.ahsrf463afir23'

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