Chapter Two

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~Danielle's POV~

I got up at seven and felt surprisingly well rested.

Liam was asleep next to me, and the sun was just up.

I got out of bed and went into the nursery to check on Taylor and she was sound asleep.

The kids were still asleep, so that means I get to make breakfast for them in complete silence.

I went down stairs with the baby monitor in my hand and set it on the counter. I got out the waffle maker and the batter and put all the ingredients into it before pouring some into the waffle maker and closing it. I then went to the cupboard and got out five plates, four cups, and a sippy cup.

When the waffle maker beeped, I took the newly made waffles out and put them onto everyone's plates and got the whipped cream and strawberries out.

"Come and eat!" I yelled as I poured orange juice into everyone's cups. I heard nothing, so I yelled it again, but a little louder.

That resulted in the baby crying.

I sighed and walked upstairs to the nursery and saw Taylor standing up in her crib.

"Mommy!" She whined.

I picked her up out of her crib and went into Dylan's room.

"C'mon, Dylan. Up! Up!" I cheered.

"No.." He mumbled as he turned away and faced the wall.

I smiled at Taylor before setting her on top of him, and she giggled loudly.

"Uuuuuhhh.... I'm up." He sighed as he sat up.

I grabbed Taylor and went into Rosie's room and did the same thing with her.

"Ouch! Taylor!" Rosie yelled as Taylor pulled her sisters hair.

"C'mon, Rosie. Time to get up and eat before you go to school." I said as I walked out of her room and into Liam and I's bedroom and found Liam sound asleep and was cuddled up to my pillow, snoring softly.

I set Taylor on the bed and whispered for her to pet his cheek nicely.

Once she started to do so, Liam made a noise.

"Dani..." He mumbled as he smiled in his sleep.

I held in my laughter as she leaned down and kissed his cheek.

"That feels good, Dani..." he mumbled.

I covered my mouth, holding in my laughter as best as I could. Taylor then bit his cheek and his eyes shot open.

"Ow!- Oh!" He gasped when he saw his little girl sitting in front of him and me on the ground laughing my head off.

"You're not mommy.. You're my Taylor-Tot!" He said as he pulled her into his lap before kissing her all over her face, making her giggle like crazy.

"Daddy dop!" She said through her tiny laughs.

I got up off the ground and wiped my tears and walked down stairs and saw Rosie and Dylan sitting at the table already eating.

"Only three days left until you're off of school!" I smiled as I sat got Taylor's food ready.

"I can't wait!" Rosie said as she bit into her waffle.

Liam came down the stairs bouncing Taylor in his arms.

"Aaaaand here come Super Taylor!" He said as he lifted her up over his head and spun in a circle before running over to her high chair and placing her in it.

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