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Hi guys! I'm here once again for the Monday update. Hope your all enjoying your Christmas break! Let's get straight into the story.....

A-Troupe are all waiting for Miss Kate to come out of her office

Emily: Is she out yet?

Tiffany: No..not yet

Emily: Really?! She's taking forever

Riley: Guys she's probably doing something important

Emily: Well she needs to hurry up! She's bee-

Riley starts humming Song For Riley

Riley: hm hm hm hm hm hm hm

She looks over at James' smug face

Riley pushes James

James: So.....your singing...THAT song....

Riley: So what? It's a good song!

James: Yeah it's my song

Emily: Wait what?

Stephanie: What song?

Riley: Don't even worry about it

Emily: Riley tell us!

Riley: Nope

Miss Kate walks out from her office

Miss Kate: Alright dancers! To prepare for Nationals every dance troupe going has to go to a dance auction

Riley: Uggghhh!

Emily: Yeah....good luck getting Ri to go

Miss Kate: What do you mean?

Emily: It's a known fact that Ri hates auctions

James: Really? Why?

James looks at Riley and she shrugs

Riley: Just don't

Miss Kate: Well your going anyway!

The next day

Riley: There's so much stuff here!

Emily: Finally warming up?

Riley: Nope

The owner approaches Miss Kate

Owner: Hi and welcome to the dance auction. Feel free to look around and auction on a few things

Miss Kate: Of course! Thank you

The owner is about to leave when she spots Riley

Owner: Oh hey Riley! Didn't think I'd see you here of all places

Riley: heh...yeah

Owner: See you soon

She leaves

Miss Kate: Ok everyone! Let's split up

Giselle: Sure!

Everyone goes their seperate ways apart from Jiley

James: So where do you wanna go?

Riley: Where do YOU wanna go?

James: Over here!

James drags Riley over to some cool dance tops but accidentally let's go without noticing

James: These look so cool don't they Riles? Ri?

James looks around

James: Oh my gosh I lost Riley!

Emily walks over

Jiley One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now