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Michelle's POV

Ever since Lucien has taken over The Next Step, everything's chaos. Theres only 5 TNS members left, as Lucien managed to get 7 Elite members onto the international team. The only people left are: Riley, James, me, Giselle and Eldon. Everyone got kicked off.

If that wasn't bad enough, take in the fact that Lucien is a horrible leader. He keeps shouting at everyone, but we can't say anything otherwise we''ll be kicked out of the studio. So all original a-troupe members have been trying to hold their tongues, but no think Riley's going to snap...We all know what she's like....and if Riley's mad, you better run.....

"5..6..7..8..Giselle hurry it up! 4..5..6..Eldon pay attention....8..1..2..3..Riley more energy! 6...7...8 and pose! That sucked guys..take 2 guys"
"Two!?" Me and Riley screech, earning us both a death glare from Lucien. The Elite members go and sit on the benches, whilst the TNS members go to a corner together. We aren't aloud to sit on the benches. Last time we did that, Giselle ended up with a scratch on her arm.

"This is ridiculous!" Riley whisper-shouts.
"I know, just try and hold your tongue babe.." James replies.
"I honestly don't think I can..." Riley says.
"We have to try" I reason.
"How's your arm?" Riley asks, referring to Giselle.
"Getting better.." Giselle replies.

DING! Riley's phone goes off in her pocket. We all watch, including Elite and Lucien, as Riley gets her phone out and reads the message, making her eyes go wide like saucers.
"I need to go...." She says.
"Why?" Eldon asks.
"Em needs me.." Riley replies.
"Ok everyone! Go back to your formations!" Lucien shrieks. Obviously, everyone does as he says, except from Riley....

She walks over to her cubby and starts packing everything up, putting on her black leather jacket that James goes crazy for. Throwing her bag over her shoulder, she steps into her flats and heads for the door, almost getting away until...


So close, Riley, so close!

Slowly, Riley creeps back to the door of the studio and looks at Lucien with a bored expression planted on her face.
"Yes!?" Riley says,
"Where are you going you little rat!?" He shouts, making Riley wince.
"Home. I actually have a family who need me" she replies.
"I don't think so you idiot!" He howls. "Get in here and rehearse nitwit!"

I watch Riley's jaw tighten and I instantly look at James, the same thoughts going through our brains. A look of fire and passion enter her hazel eyes and her left hand slowly turns into a tight fist. This is Riley's breaking point...I know it.

Riley's POV

What....did he just call me!? I'm so done with him!! I know my friends told me to keep my cool, but I just can't anymore! He's so frustrating, and I swear he hates me the most! I feel myself being taken over by the anger inside of me. I would try and fight it, but I know theres no point anymore. I need this to happen.

"No" I plainly state.
"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?" He screeches.
"No" I repeat.
"What do you mean 'no' you imbisol!?"
"No means no Lucien! I'm tired of biting my tongue around you! I'm finally going to day what I've wanted to say for so long!" I reply.
"Then go ahead your majesty!'

"I'm sick of you and your idiotic rules and attitude! You think you're the bee's knees don't cha? Well, news flash! You're not! You're just a loser who thinks that he can control everyone! You can't control me Lucien! Nothing you can say will change me! I mean, come on! We aren't even aloud to sit on benches! How dumb are you!? Just stop and try to be nice, maybe you'll get some friends!

James's POV

We (TNS members) all stare at Riley in awe. She just let out all her feelings towards Lucien, and she doesn't even care what could happen to her. The Elite members sit there astonished that this sweet and innocent girl suddenly snapped at their so-called leader! I'm honestly so proud of her!

Lucien stands there stunned, before walking towards Riley, making her look up because of the height difference. But did she flinch? Nope! She's still standing strong! He scoffs, and then hits her right across the face, instantly angering me. She falls to the floor in pain and the Elite members regain their smug expressions.

He's dead....he's dead...HE'S SO DEAD!! I try to launch forward but am held back by Eldon and Giselle as Michelle just stands there stunned. Riley curls up into a ball in pain, and I just lose it.

"That'll teach her!"
Lucien turns as I dash forward, knocking him onto the wall of his office. Hearing the noise, Riley looks up as best as she can and forms some sort of smile.
"JAMES! CHILL!' Giselle shouts over the banging.

Lucien blacks out as I approach Riley and cuddle up to her on the floor. She doesn't deserve this. She doesn't deserve anything like this!

"And that was the day that I vowed to protect my Riley no matter what. That was 7 years ago, and eventually, Miss Kate got the studio back. It's crazy to believe that I'm now marrying that same girl. The same girl that promised that she would never date me. The same girl who use to have braces and long, straight hair. I love this girl so much, and you know what? I don't regret any second of it. I never thought I would actually fall in love with anyone, but then I started dating Riley and my life changed. She's the most beautiful girl in the world, and I'm proud to call her my wife. From this day forth, I promise to protect that girl no matter what"

A few tears escape Riley's eye as she listens to my speech. Every word of it was true. I wouldn't give her up for the world. And I can't wait to start our new adventure together. But I wouldn't want to take it on with anyone else. This is my girl, my world, my new wife. And I love it.

Jiley One shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant