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I've been writing a lot of season 4 one shots recently, I just feel like, it so look out for them!

Riley's POV

I've been sitting in my office now for a good 20 minutes just thinking about my life.....James and Alfie are going at it, me and James broke up, and Emily has been nagging me to focus on my studies so I can get into this amazing college I've been looking at for years now!

Flashback (still Riley's POV)

I stare at random people as thousands of thoughts rush through my head all at once. I needed to get the boys to stop fighting. I havent got any good ideas except one...move to America and block them out. Crazy, right!?

My ears start to tingle as I hear 2 pairs of feet enter the room, and my worst nightmare came true. Alfie came to my right, James came to my left. Death glares were exchanged as I cautiously got up out of my seat.

"What do you want!?" James asked furiously. I've never seen him this mad.
"Since when do you care!?" Alfie replied back, as my face just grew with worry.
"Just leave the next step and go back to whatever dirt hole you came from!" James snapped. My eyes widened at this sudden comment, as fear rushed through me. This better not lead to violence.
"Thats it! I'll deal with you right now!" Alfie snarled, moving over to James.
Oh God....

Back to reality

Suddenly, Henry enterned, snapping me out of my thoughts. He sat down and stared deep into my eyes, followed by some weird hand movements.
"Hi?...." I questioned. My attention was soon drawn back to his hands. No matter what he did, I couldn't look away from his hands. It was like I was hypnotized or something!

I didn't even notice Emily, Michelle, Alfie and James enter the room. Instantly, everyones attention was on Henry. He hadn't stopped his hand movements. I felt myself being taken over, and lost all control of my body.
"You are under my control..." Henry announced smugly. I heard Michelle burst out laughing, but it was only faint. It was cut short by Emily's icy glare.

"Stand up" He commanded softly. I instantly obeyed, earning me confused looks from everyone in my office. I was confused. What was even happening right now!? "Slap Alfie in the face!" He commanded again, making sure to step out of my way. Alfie burst out laughing at the mention of this, whilst I just took a step forward.

Henry's POV

Truth is, I'm a Jiley shipper. Alfie just had to come and ruin everything..! I heard all about their past from Emily...and they sounded really cute and happy together! So I managed to find a hypnotising spell and put it on Riley so she would get back together with James. It was a long shot but if it worked, Jiley would be happy again. As for Alfie, I wonder if he will be on the news....? That would be cool....

Swiftly, Riley walked towards Alfie and slapped him right across his face. Gasps came from the girls and a smirk was shared between me and James. I locked eyes with Emily, who gave me a confused look, to which I replied with a small, but noticeable wink.

Alfie's expression after the slap was priceless! He deserved it! As for Riley....her eyes looked lifeless, which Michelle noticed as she turned around to face Emily and James.

Riley's POV

Did I-....did I seriously just do that...!? Why am I listening to Henry!? To be honest..a small part of me was glad it happened. I could show Alfie that I didnt really care for him. All I really want is James...it's always been him. So I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get him back.

Alfies hurt expression filled me with guilt....you know what actually!? No it didn't! I smiled to myself and even let out a small giggle as he practically ran out of my office and studio a forever. Hopefully, I wouldn't be seeing him again.

I turned around to be met with James's excited and full-of-life eyes, and Emily's impressed smile.
"Kiss James!" Henry commanded yet again. That one really took me by surprise! I really want to kiss James..but it was pretty doubtful it was going to happen. He would probably reject me right on the spot, and crush my heart forever! Well....I guess it was worth a try.

Wolf whistles came from Michelle, but she was soon silence by me and Emily's angry looks. A slight smirk appeared on my face as I start slowly walking towards James, step by step. As I took every step, fear and worry filled me. I felt light-headed, like I was going to faint right there on the spot....but I didn't.

Eventually, I was right in from of James, our faces inches away from each other. I slowly leaned it, as did he, and we kissed right there. Butterflies filled my stomach and a wave of relief flushed over me. Michelle let out a huge squeal, but this time, nobody scolded her. She was aloud to be like this!

Hesitantly, Henry clapped his hands, making me freeze. I think he unhypnotised me, by I felt the same. I had no idea if James was getting back together...but I hope we are!

James's POV

I really hope me and Riles are getting back together. I've missed her! I know she did a terrible thing and will probably never forgive herself for it...but I have. Everyone makes mistakes, and I know she doesn't like this Alfie guy. He's a jerk anyway.

"So...." Riley said quietly, staring at her feet, trying to hide her blush."You wanna...?"
"Of course...!" I exclaimed happily. I saw Riley's eyes light up and I couldn't help myself. I rushed up to her and spun her around, just like the time we first got together. I remember those days....

A-Troupe must've heard all the noise, because they all came running into Ri's office. Squeals of excitement and whisltes filled the room, especially from Piper, Michelle and Emily.
"I knew you would get back together!" Amanda screeched, her eyes filed with joy and wonder.
"Congrats Jiley" Richelle giggled softly.
"I mean, your welcome!" Henry said proudly, which earned him a few giggles.

Then, I hear Riley's phone ding, and silence fills the room. She slowly approaches the phone, incase its Alfie messaging her. She takes a deep breath, and looks at her phone. In that once second, Rileys eyes lit up so much, I thought they were going to pop out of their sockets. She ran up to me, squealing of course, and gave me a massive bear hug.

"I got into Hollywood Arts!" (Get it?) She squealed. I feel so excited for her. She just got into the college of her dreams. It's an amazing day for everyone!

All I know, is that I'm never going to let her go ever again....She's my smiley Riley!

This sucks, and totally wasn't worth the massive wait! I'm so sorry guys! I've decided that I will update every Sunday with a new one shot, I promise.

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