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Riley's POV

I giggle to myself as I watch Michelle try to flirt with John. She so obviously likes him..they'll be dating soon. But for now, I need to find my boyfriend. I walk up to James' room and open the door. The place was full of couples making out....Great. That'll make it easier to find him.

Okay, let me explain. James decided to throw a party at his house in honour of the band getting their first gig. Of course I came, but he disappeared a while ago, and now I can't find him.

I walk outside the house, continuing my search for James. I walk towards the garden, the place where me and James kissed for the worth time. Ahh....great times! I carry on my search and eventually spot a black figure sitting with a bunch of other black figures. As I gradually make my way towards them, they start coming into view.....and my heart breaks.

James, sitting with a bunch of other guys, drinking and smoking and there's a blonde girl on his lap!? She has hickeys on her neck, confirming the fact that my boyfriend was cheating on me.

Tears drip down my cheek as I turn away from the house and start running, trying to get as far away as possible from James. I can't face him right now....but I'm definitely breaking up with him. I can't be with someone who does this to me! I thought he loved me....

Eventually, I get home, and as soon as I do, I run upstairs and hide away in my bedroom, and flop down on the bed. I hear Emily run upstairs and she starts knocking on my door rapidly, worrying about me. What am I gonna tell her...?

------The next day

Emily's POV

I pace back and forth in Studio A as I hopefully wait for Riley to walk through the doors. She came home really upset last night, and she locked herself in her room. She hasn't come out since...I don't even know if she's ok! I swear if James did anything to her..

Frustrated, Miss Kate walks out of her office, trying to hide how worried she is.
"Where's Riley!? Is she safe!?"
"I...don't know" Stephanie replies.
"I swear....James better not of hurt her!" I comment fiercely. Just then, a small pitter patter of feet enter the studio, and I'm glad to say that it was Riley's.
"Hey guys.." She mumbles, making us all worry.
"Riley what happened!? Are you ok!? You disappeared from the party last night" Michelle says.

"J-James....cheated on me...with a blonde chick" Everyone in the room gasps as we hear this news. I'm going...TO KILL HIM!!
"Where is he now?" Thalia asks frustrated.
"Lost and f-found...he doesn't know that I know.." Riley replies. As if on queue, all the girls smirk at eachother, knowing what we have to do.
"I'll get the handcuffs" Stephanie growls.
"I'll get the bat" I snarl. I glance at Riley, and see her smile. She obviously knows what we are about to do. The boys however, just stare at each other confused.

I reach for my bag from my cubby and grab a bat out, not letting my smirk fall for a second. I count down from three in my mind, and all the girls start running towards LAF. Look out James, here we come!

James' POV

Tapping my fingers on my drum kit, I listen to Mr T go on and on about notes and keys. Suddenly, he stops and turns his attention to the door. The sound of about 13 footsteps slowly come closer and closer until all the A-Troupe girls enter.

They look around the room, until spotting me and Michelle grabs me by the neck and drags me to the nearest wall. Stephanie gets something from behind her back and does something with my hands. She continues to fiddle until she hears a satisfying clicking noise. I look up and realise that she handcuffed me onto the wall, with the help of two golden hooks. And then, without warning, she hits me.

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