Kidnapping for Good

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Thalia's POV

I giggle as Emily runs through the plan once again to A-Troupe and me. Emily invited me to join in this plan and ,of course, I accepted. We were planning to take Riley to London and force her to make up with James, hopefully it works!

Emily's POV

"Everyone got it?" I ask firmly. Almost instantly, everyone agrees, making a smile grow on my face. "Riley will come in the studio in 5 minutes, I'll knock her out"
"How?" Cassie asks interested. I reach into my pockets and take out a stick of garlic, Riley's worse enemy.

Well....actually her third worst enemy. Number 1 being Beth, and Number 2 being Chickens. I shuddered at the mention of the devil who tore apart Jiley. I don't like James that much....but he treats my sister right and makes her happy.

I hear footsteps, and I, along with everybody else, turn my head to the door. Riley walks in. I smirk at Michelle, who was sitting next to me, and follow Riley into her office. I clap my hands, making her turn around, and snap the garlic in her face. Just before she falls in unconsciousness, I catch her and bring her into Studio A.

All the girls instantly stand up and grab their stuff. Only the girls are coming because the boys might be needed in case of an emergency...and Alfie definitely shouldn't be there. Actually....I haven't seen him forever!

We exit the studio and get into Amanda's car. She recently passed her driving test, so she said she would drive us to the airport.. After I get in, I lay Riley across mine, Michelle's and Thalia's laps, as Amanda starts the car.

Michelle's POV

I really hope Em's plan works.....but I know Riley can be really stubborn sometimes. I think about calling West, but I decide against it. Maybe it would help if it was a suprise..

As the plane lands, I notice Riley sturring in Emily's lap. Soon, she opens her eyes, followed by a deafening scream. Everyone on the plane instantly stares at Emily as she covers Riley's mouth hastily, sending me a worried look.

Riley's POV

Wah...? I wake up and the first thing I see is Ems face. I look around and I notice I'm not in my office, or in bed. Panic fills me as I do the only thing I can think of, scream. However, Emily covers my mouth quickly, and sends someone a worried look. I glance over at who she's looking at, and see Michelle. Then I realise I'm on a plane.

Emily strokes my hair comfortly, making me relax, and nearly fall back asleep. Suddenly, I notice the plane isn't moving, and Emily picks me up and carries me outside. I look around in confusion as I'm not in Canada. Where the heck am I!?

I notice the girls from A-Troupe (and Thalia) come off the plane and grab me, pushing me onto a metal mechanism. Fear rushes through me again as I scream, and they hurriedly push me down the streets of....New York?

James's POV

Right now, I'm talking to ma boys about the competition, and how we're totally going to win.

"Bros we got this!" I announce confidently, standing up. I go to fist bump West when I hear a bang and lots....and lots....and lots.....of noise. I look at Eldon and West, who obviously heard the noises too. 5 seconds later, Thalia burst through the door, making me automatically stand up.

'T-Thalia!?" Eldon stuttered surprised and confused. Me and West just looked at each other, the same thoughts entering our brains.
"Hi. You are probably wondering what I'm doing here.." Thalia said sweetly.
"Yeah....What are you doing here?" West asked. Thalia responded with an evil giggle, scaring me and West ultimately.
"Bring her in guys!" Thalia screeched. As on command, Emily, Michelle, Cassie, Amy, Pipes and Amanda enter the room. I give them a questioning look, asking for an explanation, but I'm soon answered.

Sloane comes in, dragging a huge mechanical...thing behind her with a small, brunette girl tied to it. Not just any brunette girl, Riley.
"Guys! Seriously what are you d-" She starts, until she notices me. I watch as fear enters her chocolate brown eyes, the eyes that I fell in love with long ago, and still am. "Hi..." she whispered.
"Anyone care to explain?" West asked, trying to stop himself from exploding with laughter.
"I will!" Emily said proudly, jumping up onto the coffee table, much to Eldon and Riley's dismay. "We have brought Riley here to make up with James! Nobody is leaving until this happens! And don't even try to escape Riley! We're all guarding!" Emily announced smugly.
"You guys are the worst!" Riley complains, rolling her eyes in fury.

"It's for your own good!" Michelle argued back sassily. "You stay and guard Amanda"
Amanda nodded whilst the rest of the girls, minus Riley, walk outside.
"Well...." Riley starts awkwardly.
"Where's Alfie?" I ask firmly. She bit her lip and looked down, trying to hide a blush.
"U-um....Los Ange-eles.."She replied, even smirking a bit. Everyone stared at her with wide eyes.
"Los Angeles!" Amanda questioned, obviously surprised. Riley nodded whilst West burst into laughter, earning him evil glares which soon shut him up.
"Why...?" I asked hesitantly. She bit her lip even harder, I think it was even bleeding! Thats when I knew, she regretted everything she did in the past month or two.
"Cause...." Riley started hesitantly, making sure to not make eye contact with anyone.

I smirked as I moved forwards towards Riley, an action to which she repeated. I noticed her fiddle with her rings, as she blushed slightly. Nobody in the room moved, and it was silent...until Riley spoke up.

"I'm so sorry James! I'm such an idiot! I don't deserve to see you or have your forgiveness! You may not love me any or, which is understandable, but just know that I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you, if that's what it takes! I love you- I don't  know why but I just do, and I-

I cut Riley's ramble off with a kiss. I had missed the feeling of her lips against mine. I smiled to myself as she kissed back, ignoring the boys' whistles and Amanda's triumphant smirk. I moved my hands to her waist as she cupped my left cheek with her left hand. Eventually, we broke the kiss, both smiling victoriously.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and the girls enter the room, all smiling and giggling widely. I turned my focus to Riley, as she blushed and looked down. I'm so happy to be with her again. She's the love of my life, my soulmate!

Riley's POV

I don't know what I did to deserve James. He's perfect in every way- and I can't believe he forgave me....just like that! I expected him to get really angry, or push my outside the flat...or even get me to do a list...but no! I'm so happy to be back with him!

This is terrible....but it will have to do.

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