♡Mad Love|The First Day♡

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hey guys it's been a while so here is a
short recap:

Chrollo has ordered that the whole Troupe do some stealing at the Grand Hotel Hall of Fame Museum where everyone was assigned to steal something on a different day ;

monday: machi, paku, and kotoropi- gohtlock's ring

tuesday: phinks, feitan, shalnark- the painting;"tenshi's ai"

wednsday: shizuku, franklin, bolonolev- pearls of serpentia, two pearls with unknown abilities, but supposedly powerful and dangerous.

thursday: uvogin and nobunoga - belhiemer's disk, a disk that reveals all the information the holder desires

friday: hisoka- freya's whip, a whip that gets stronger with the user

saturday: chrollo- unknown

you want to go steal on the mission too but Chrollo says that you are too weak, and Hisoka offers to train you and be your partner on Friday. You have one week to train for Chrollo's approval.


//Chapter 12: The First Day//


"NGHH!" You grunt as Hisoka elbows you down to the ground. Again.

It's only been 3 hours of training and so far your first day was....


"Ugh." You sighed in disbelief as you got up from the ground and did some stretching, readying yourself to lunge at him again.

Just as you were going to take off...

"Wait!" He says in a sing song tone.

Irritated, you stop and glare at him.

"What do you want ??!" You nearly scream.

You were so annoyed that you couldn't land a scratch on him the past THREE hours besides ONE punch in the gut that sent him flying bUt he appears to be perfectly fine.

And now this guy wants you to wait ?? You were fucking tired.

"You don't think I'm tired?" He asked, as if reading your mind

Well based on your physical condition right now, no not really.

You thought.

"Honestly I thought that you would be somewhat strong for landing a kick on Chrollo but you are such a weakling, I'm not excited at all !! I'm extremely tired of all your moves. It's so predictable and I manage to hit you every single time when you never do!" He said with his signature smile, obviously very disappointed.

"Actually, I hit you once." You corrected, trying to play it cool. You were actually burning with rage and embarrassment.

"Whatever, warms-up are over. I pretty much have a general analysis of you. Now let's try teaching you some nen." He says as you suddenly felt as if your energy was revived.

Warm-Ups?!?! You thought and nearly screeched, but quickly shook the thought away.

You ran over to him with excitement as you heard the word 'nen'.

"Sit down." He said, in which you did.

"For now, instead of working on your special ability ; hatsu, let's just work on the basics. We are short on time."

For approximately 15 minutes, Hisoka thoroughly goes through the properties of Gyo, Ten, Ren, and Zetsu.

"Focus your energy...." He says.

You do what he says.

"Breathe and imagine freeing your pores and letting the energy become power.."

You do what he says but the results are always nothing

"Hmmm then I guess we have no choice but to..." He begins before licking his lips.

You gulped... why did he lick his lips ??

"Take off your shirt." He said.

"What?" You asked in disbelief.

"Strip." He said, monotone.

You look to see if he was joking.. though there was a smile on his face, you could tell he was serious.

You took off your shirt, revealing your bra.

"Come over." He said patting his laps.

He couldn't possibly have wanted you to sit on them......?

However, he did.

You tried covering yourself as you walked and sat. Your face was flushed in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to a woman as plain as you." He whispered in your ear.

You yelped as it tickled your ears, but you then turned your head around to send him a glare.

He chuckled.

"Okay let's begin." He states.

"Deep breath, and close your eyes. Don't open them no matter what or I won't hesitate to kill you." He said as you gulped.

You knew he wasn't joking. Well this was definitely a good way to teach someone if you want to ensure they followed your directions at all costs.

You took a deep breath and closed your eyes just as you were told to.

"Okay." You heard.

Then you felt something tickle against your skin. It felt calloused, but soft at the same time. But it was extremely cold as it traveled down your back.

"Eeeek!" You yelped as you squirmed around in his arms, forcing your eyes closed and not opening them no matter what. "What the HELL are you doing!?" You screeched.

"Shh stay still and focus your senses on where my finger is traveling. This should help you focus on the energy." He said as he traced your back.

Finger he said.....

to be continued...

mad love | hisoka + chrollo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now