Mad Love | The Awakening

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You close your eyes as you felt his finger trace your back....

You shivered a little. It was ticklish and it made you want to squirm away... but there was fear in doing that.

His fingers were cold and occasionally you felt his nails. The funny thing is that his fingers felt calloused, but also extremely tender.

"Focus on where my finger is going." He said as your eyes were still clothes.

Though it was hard, you relaxed yourself and tried your best to remain in your natural state.

And at once, the world around you was silent.

It seemed as if all your senses were shut down except for one.

You held your breath as you felt his fingers travel through your back from top to bottom, side to side...

Then, your body felt a lottle breeze and suddenley, the surface of your whole body started to feel lighter but at the same time, it felt like carrying something.

You were about to gasp until you forced yourself to hold it in.

From behind, you heard Hisoka's pleased hum.

"Mmmm~ Very good Y/N, now I'm going to use all ten fingers...."

You exhaled and held in another breath.

"Very good?" Does that mean this is nen??

You wanted to open your eyes, you wanted to see.

See the nen you've produced.

Then, you held in a shiver as you felt all his fingers run along your back. At first, you failed to keep up with where was where, but then slowly, you could pick out where there was contact.

Within minutes, you could follow where all ten fingers were moving all at once.

It no longer felt weird, it started to feel... good.

Then, you could pick out the specific finger he touched you with. You felt kind of proud.

You didn't notice a change except for the fact that your body felt like it was being cloaked with a warm breeze.

And it was getting bigger per second.

"Very good...." Hisoka chimed.

Then, his fingers ran through your body. He had traveled away from your back and started touching everywhere.


"Focus~" He chimed.

You swallowed a blush and nodded.

Your back wasn't as sensitive... so when he started exploring your thighs, collarbones, arms, and everywhere else, you felt more of the warm thing cloak your body.

You could feel every finger, and you enjoyed the contact of eachone.

After a while, Hisoka stopped all of the sudden.

You opened you eyes and whipped your head around.

"Why'd you st-" You began until you cut yourself with your thoughts.

What the fuck Y/N, you wanted more ? Unbelievable....

Your face reddened as you turned away pretending you didn't say anything. There was a smile on Hisok's face that showed he knew exactly what you were thinking.

"Y/N, now try to release your nen. Focus on emitting energy out of your body." He said.

You nodded as you tried to repeat what you failed to do earlier.

Suprisingly, there was that warm cloak again.

But you couldn't see it.

You looked at Hisoka for help.

"Focus the energy on your eyes. Honestly, you couldn't even think of something so simple ?~"

You glared at him before focusing some on your eyes.

You jumped a little as you saw white things coming from your body. It was so thick it startled you.

There was so much, and it was so wide. It covered a diameter of 3 feet.

"I'm impressed. It was only a day and you've already developed so much nen." Hisoka said.

You felt a little scared... Hisoka, he said something without sounding amused. He was serious.

"It took me three days to learn nen, that itself is a ridiculously impossibly short time frame. It usually takes years and at least months. To think that you accomplished this less time I did bothers me." Hisoka said.

He looked a little annoyed and displeased.

You laughed.

"Your fault for thinking I would dissapoint you!" You said playfully as you stuck out a tongue.

He ignored you.

"Tommorow, we'll focus on specific special abilities; Hatsu. Have a good night." He winked as he kissed you hair.

You backed off as he smiled.

He walks toward you and whispers in your ear...
"The reason you produced so much Nen was because your pores opened up and released a lot of energy."

"Yeah I know, that's what Nen is, isn't it?" You replied.

"Yes, but it means that you felt extreme pleasure to the extent that your pores opened and released so much...."

You turned red immediately.

Pleasure ?

"I'm good in bed." He added before taking off in an instant.

Too fast for you to turn around and screech at him.

Once again, Hisoka has you flustered and red.

"Damn bitch."

a/n : sorry for not updating ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2017 ⏰

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