Chapter Twenty

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They couldn't be interested in her that way? Trent felt his eyes grow wide at her adamantly spoken plea. Well...that was new. It had been a long time since Trent had played the dating game, but even he knew when a man confessed his feelings for a woman, things typically went a hell of a lot better than they were going now. Usually, the woman would blush prettily, smile...possibly even cry, but they sure as shit never told him to go pound sand. Unless he gave them a deceased amphibian in a flagrantly decorated box, he thought with a wince. But, under those circumstances, it was an expected reaction. Since the only thing he was offering up now was his heart...her rebuttal stung. A lot more than he would have thought. Granted, she didn't exactly say no, but telling them they couldn't be interested in having a relationship with her, she might as well have. It was shocking, and it also pissed him off. What he wanted to know was why the fuck she thought they couldn't be attracted to her. Before he opened his mouth, and demanded an answer, he turned to his brother for help.

Too bad Chase was just as shocked as he was, and seemed to be at a loss as to what to do as well. Only his brother's surprise was also dripping in concern. Because of the twin connection they shared, Trent felt a sudden jolt of worry run rampant through his gut. It felt as if he was about to lose something extremely precious to him, and he was helpless to stop it. With his stomach doing an unsettling churn, he reached out, and took a bracing slug of his coffee wishing he had remembered to put a couple of antacids in his pocket. He had a distinct feeling by the end of breakfast, he was going to need a shitload of them. At least this time, his heartburn wouldn't have anything to do with Frank's cooking.

He had to admit, he was a little shocked by Chase's reactions over a woman they barely knew. Frankly, he was beginning to wonder if all this hassle was worth it. But, that thought only took root for a few mere seconds when his stare returned to Mackenzie. Those green eyes of hers, flushed cheeks, and air of innocence did him in. With one simple look, she managed to kick the ever loving shit out of the stupid thought, and send it packing back to oblivion where it belonged. Something about her called to him, even though he believed he was not as good of a match for her as his brother. She was shy, timid, sweet...all the things he wasn't. And then there was that damned innocence. It drew him like a moth to a flame, yet scared the crap out of him too.

What if she couldn't handle the kind of relationship they were wanting? What if she couldn't handle...him? Trent could be sweet, he wasn't a total asshole, but he also knew he could also be demanding, and controlling when it came to sex. Hell...he was that way even out of the sack. Mackenzie shifted slightly, as though she was becoming uncomfortable with the prolonged silence. She didn't look like the kind of woman who would be into the type of relationship he demanded, particularly in the bedroom. But...then again...she hadn't run away screaming when he had threatened to turn her ass pink. That was a good sign, and perked his interest more than all the other women who had willingly laid themselves bare-assed on his lap asking for punishment. Though he knew he should, he couldn't walk away. He wanted her, and he wanted her in their bed. He knew it made him a bastard of the first degree, but a fierce desire lit in Trent's belly at the thought of laying her over his knees, and introducing her to how pleasurable a spanking could be. No, right or wrong, he wasn't going to walk away. Not from her...and not from claiming his place in this relationship.

If this was going to work, he couldn't sit back, and rely on his brother to do all the ground work. He had to be front and center from now on. It was going to take the both of them with all hands on deck to make this happen. Taking a steadying breath, he fought to calm a mass of emotions that didn't wholly belong to him. Yes, he had apprehensions too, but he hadn't felt this kind of intense feeling coming from his brother since they were little kids. Back then, a bully by the name of Billy Fletcher had suckered punched Chase, blackened his eye, and made off with his most cherished Tonka truck. Chase had loved that bright, yellow dump truck more than life itself. Just like back then, Trent would step in, and fight to get their prize back. Now...if he could only figure out a way to do that. He doubted holding Mackenzie upside down by the back loops of her pants over the bridge at Cripple Creek until she gave in was going to be as effective as it had been with Billy.

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