Cthulhu Smothers Fluttershy with a Pillow (Comedy/Crossover/Random)

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It was a peaceful morning in the cottage, until Fluttershy woke up to an elder god smothering her with a large pillow.

And ponies wonder why she takes issue with Thursdays.

=But Forturnately, Nopony Is Harmed=

The butter-coated mare let out a satisfied yawn as she felt another day begin. She had yet to open her eyes, but her schedule held nothing urgent for the next several hours, so she decided they'd be better off closed for the next five minutes. There was a slight breeze in the room, and the faint scent of fish. She absentmindedly decided Harry had walked in, and wanted to give her fresh air first thing in the morning. He really was a dear bear.


Fluttershy wrinkled her nose as a small sprinkle of what she assumed was water hit her muzzle, and ran along her lips. It reminded her of the taste of saltwater, tinged with a hint of cayenne peppers. Which in turn reminded her to make a mental note to never invite Rainbow over for tea when she's in her pranking moods.


'Oh, right...'

She was snapped out of her wandering mindset once yet another chilly droplet pelted her schnoz, and made her entire face scrunch up irritably. She decided to finally open her eyes, before they were forcibly popped open from sheer surprise as to what greeted them like a slap in the face.

Or rather, greeted them like a gigantic green claw reaching through her- now broken -window, and holding a large rectangular... thing. For that is exactly what had been the first thing to greet her eyes. And she wasn't entirely sure how to react, until she followed the scaly arm attached to the claw, and was greeted by a 40-foot tall golden-eyed creature with an octopus for a head staring at her through the opening.

She didn't see the complete entirety of the thing, and she didn't think she wanted to, as what she saw gave her a feeling of... well, not as much fear as... slight annoyance. And that puzzled her, as she felt sure that she was supposed to be terrified by... this thing. Instead, she merely quirked a brow at the creature.


Apparently, that was all that he was waiting for: as its claw opened, and dropped the item it was holding onto the confused mare before redacting its arm. Fluttershy expected it to hurt, but all she felt was a slight pomf. Looking down as it bounced off her face and onto her chest, she saw that it was, in fact, one of those 'body-pillows' like the ones Rainbow collects. Only, this one was noticeably lacking of depictions of uniformed Wonderbolts.

Instead, this one was lime-colored, and on it was a cutesy cartoon character that was remarkably similar in appearance to the beast that was now looking eagerly through her window. Only the one on the pillow was less... mildly bothersome, and posed to look like he wanted a hug.

She reluctantly climbed out from under her warm blankets, sat up, and looked between the cushion and the creature. And then back and forth again, and again. Though she couldn't see a distinguishable mouth past the feelers on the octopus-dragon-thing's face, his cheeks were lumped up as if he were grinning expectantly, and his golden eyes twinkled with anticipation as he held up what looked like a camera with his lip-tentacles.

Putting two and two together, Fluttershy heaved a heavy sigh, and shook her head. "I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this..."

She would have continued, and offered a reason, if it weren't for the fact that the pillow was now nuzzled up against her cheek via tentacle: and the creature was giving her a pleading look. Fluttershy looked the padding over, and her eyes settled on a bizarre word sewn expertly into the bottom, right beside the feet.


She gave another amused chuckle of a sigh, and looked the cre- err... Cthulhu, apparently- in the eye:

"I'm sorry, but I--..."

She was interrupted again by the pillow being removed from her face, and bounced around a few feet in front of her as if it were dancing on her bed. She giggled at the display of childlike desperation, as it was not unlike a toddler trying to distract a parent when he'd stolen a cookie. Then, the cushion was forcibly- yet somehow, simultaneously gently -pressed against her chest.

Fluttershy giggled again, slightly amused by just how adorable that a creature what other ponies must consider quite a terror was managing to be, which helped her keep a calm façade in spite of her now all but unnoticeable annoyance.

She looked up, and was greeted by Cthulhu's best attempt at puppy eyes. Finally, she caved with a chuckle. It wasn't any real inconvenience to her, and it's not like he was asking for something more serious. She slowly snatched up the pillow, leaned back on her bed, and gave the padding a platonic snuggle. She made sure to look directly into the awaiting camera with a shy smile, and grew her pupils as big and shiny as they'd get.

Cthulhu gave an appreciative... erm, gurgle?- In all honesty, Fluttershy wasn't sure how to describe such a noise. -And snapped the photo. After which, he retreated from her cottage, fix the new hole in the wall seamlessly with a strange golden aura, and stomped off back towards the coast. The cream-colored Pegasus ran over to the window, and opened it in the hopes of alerting the poor creature that he'd forgotten his pillow. But alas, he had somehow managed to be out of sight by then.

Shrugging, she decided it was intended as a gift in return for the creature's insistence on a cute photo, and returned to her bed. Once she climbed onto it, she decided it wouldn't hurt to nuzzle the pillow a little longer as she resumed her nap. As she did so, she noticed a particular white hare staring at her with a slackened jaw, who had undoubtedly seen the whole thing.

"Well, he wasn't being unpleasant about it..." She offered, suddenly feeling guilty.

The rabbit just sat there, staring in awe.

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