Missing Norfair (Gore/Comedy/Slice of Life/Crossover)

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Princess Luna was content with her life, mostly. Being the ruler over millions of ponies was quite the chore, so Luna wished she had something to keep her company in the night. She looked to her sister, who had Philomena to smile at on even the most horrid of days. Then, she turned her attention to the Elements, who all had their own pets to accompany them during their time alone.

Luna determined that she needed a pet of her own, a pet to care and cherish during the cold nights in Canterlot. However, her plans on what to consider as a suitable pet was interrupted by a monster destroying her room. She apprehended this scaly creature, initially angry at first. Yet, as she looked into the beady yellow eyes of it, she thought to herself,

"What an adorable vulture!"

Sure her sister didn't approve of her new pet. Sure the night guards were fidgeting in their armor as her beloved vulture screeched. Sure there was the fact that there may be a chance that her pet is a sentient Space Pirate that wishes to destroy everything that moves.

Luna didn't care, it was tea time dammit! 

=His name is.. Bubbles?=


"Quiet down Dr. Bubbles." The regal voice of Princess Luna demanded as she entered the dungeon. Keeping Dr. Bubbles in the deepest dungeon possible was not Luna's choice, her sister was quite adamant that Dr. Bubbles stay far away from the surface. Though, even Luna knew her dear vulture was a bloodthirsty beast who'd gladly eat a pony's small intestine. A rattling sound broke Luna out of her train of thought, only to realize it was Dr. Bubbles pulling on his restraints again. Luna looked intently at her purple... Vulture, noticing some important details were missing. "It seems a certain Doctor dropped their clothes." Luna chirped as she levitated an oversized monocle and top-hat off of the dungeon floor.

Dr. Bubbles growled forcefully at the dark blue thing in front of him. He was Ridley, one of the High Command of the Space Pirates and one major force to be reckoned with. He had raided multiple planets back home and even cheated death three times. He was back in his prime, a fully functioning body that could decimate armies at a time. Now, he was confined in this horrible new world, locked in this horrible dungeon, and being pampered by this horrible four-legged being. He's forced to wear this cheap helmet and odd eye visor thing, forced to drink this odd liquid from a tiny cup, and forced to listen to this annoying pest drone about her life.

Luna's horn glowed and a pile of dead swine lay near Dr. Bubbles. The reptilian monster's growling ceased, looking down at the fresh meat his captor brought for him. Wasting no time, Dr. Bubbles began digging into his pile of food and ripped the flesh off a dead pig. Stretching her wings, Luna flew on top of her pet's top-hat and rested on it, observing the fleshy bits flying around the room. She smiled at Dr. Bubbles, always amused at the carnivorous instincts of non-herbivorous creatures. "Eat your fill Bubbly Wubbly! We brought them all the way from Trottingham." Luna cooed at her vicious pet.

Bubbly Wubbly growled as he slurped a pig's intestines like Capellini. His slave name kept changing every time his wretched master came in his prison. How he wished he could just burn this blue worm and fly out of this penal institution with the speed of light. Unfortunately, after being detained by his slave driver, Wubbly was subjugated to odd magical spells that ceased his ability of flight and production of flames. Being here, listening to a being talk to him over and over and over, made him reminisce of his time back home.

Decimating colonies was more fun than what Bubbl-no, Ridley, had to deal with now. Facing a bounty hunter with an arsenal of death weapons would be considered a picnic now. Ridley, deeply enraged by his horrible fate, ate the pigs faster than needed. Of course, due to this recklessness, some pigs feet got stuck in his throat and the pirate started making this gaging noise.

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