You Know You Want To (Drama/Slice of life/Romance)

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It all started with a touch...

Weeks ago Sunset touched Pinkie's forehead and entered on Pinkie's mind. Now they are stuck in a relationship that Sunset doesn't know how to end.

=Come To The Pink Side=

It all started with a touch.

Nothing really special, it was a simple touch in the forehead. I was difficult to believe that a simple contact had made it all possible, but that's how it was. Sunset Shimmer had touched Pinkie Pie in the forehead, thanks to her new magic, she got inside her friend's head, and she got to see the odd world inside the mind of the most hyperactive girl in the whole dimension.

At first it was... fun, they both would dare to say.

For Sunset it was completely an experience to be inside that colorful world, full of smiles and dancing candy. For Pinkie, it was an opportunity, because she knew that at least someone would get to truly understand her.

During the last days of the camp, Sunset had discovered a certain pleasure while being in Pinkieland. A world completely different of every other she had been in (Yes, she has only been in two dimensions, but still). There, everything was pink, rainbow shades everywhere and eternal laughter that beat along with pop music. It was crazy. Unpredictable. And Sunset loved it.

In the past, she had expressed her discontent for everything that was different, forcing everyone in Canterlot High to stick to the status quo. However, with Pinkie Pie was different. Pinkie was the kind of girl that could do six impossibilities before starting class. She was energetic, joyful, cloying in every possible way. Even so, Sunset had learned to love her.

Mental escape became the foundation of a new, enduring friendship.

The first time they tried everything had only one direction. Pinkie's mind was an open book for Sunset to read, but it was all the fiery haired girl was able to do was to watch. Just... watch. The colors, the dancing candy, the smiles. Sunset was nothing but a spectator.

That changed with time. After some tries Sunset realized she was no longer a mere viewer. The equestrian girl had no idea if it was thanks to her magic, the frequency of her visits to Pinkie's mind or Pinkie herself. She was a little afraid, but other than that she really didn't care. Being part of her friend's crazy imagination was a new experience. And it was a good one.

Sunset would like to say that that little dependency had disappear when she arrived to town. But she would be lying, because she really wanted to, no matter the place, day or dimension, Sunset wanted to travel to Pinkie's mind. She wanted to be there, in that crazy space full of fun, far away from the real world and its problems. But even she knew it was not right. It wasn't right to use her friend as an excuse to get away from her own problems.

She was full of remorse; still, she knew that Pinkie didn't care, she even enjoyed it. Had she knew what it could happen, Sunset would have stopped. She could have learned to control her yearning of that randomness that only existed on Pinkie Pie.

Maybe it was half of summer. Maybe school was just a week away. She had no idea. Sunset Shimmer just knew one thing, and it was that this was the day to clarify some things with Pinkie Pie.

It was a pretty hot afternoon and Sunset was wearing shorts and a light blue blouse. Her jacket was in the closet, she really didn't want to wear it that day. She was pretty nervous for what she was about to do, and she also knew that it was something she had to do.

"If I don't do this today, I'll never do it." She murmured to herself as she left out a sigh.

The door closed and Sunset began to walk towards the bus stop. It didn't take long, or maybe yes, she didn't notice it for being lost inside her mind.

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