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Ten years ago.

"Dear Arcadia, as much as I want to send you a copy. I am not yet ready to reveal Rotom. It's not that I don't trust you, it's that I want to keep Rotom special until I fully understand him. However, I have made a breakthrough on our project. Porygon 2 seems to have a few more secrets hidden up its sleeve. I hope you'll take a look at the data I sent you. Sincerely Professor Rowan." Professor Rowan said, finishing writing another letter. He stood up and went to go out the letter in the mail box.

The Present.

"What do you want with Rotom?" Rotom asked the two Pokémon.

"Obviously, we want your head! Them bloody Files and Fortunes!" The Zoroark shouted greedily.

"We ain't got no time to be wastin, so give up or we be fightin!" The Magmortor ordered.

"Rotom won't let you take him away! Waterfall, go get help!" Rotom told the eevee frantically, and the Pokémon ran inside.

"Now that you ain't got no nobody round here to help, you're commin with us!" The Magmortor shouted, running forward.

Rotom shot a shadow ball at him, but it didn't seem to phase the giant fire Pokémon. Suddenly they were knocked back by a hydro pump.

"Wolflix!" Rotom shouted hopefully.

"Tut tut Rotom, you should know my brother doesn't have as good of aim." Hellbent smirked. Jumping down from a tree.

"Hellbent! You're supposed to be gone for another week!" Rotom shouted in shock.

"Lucky you, I'm back." Hellbent said slyly, taking out his knife.

"Oi! Ellbent! What are you doin her!" The Zoroark snarled.

"Ah, Klef. You see, I'm here to destroy this Rotom. You're not the only one who has grudges with him!" Hellbent spat. Rotom had slowly backed away.

"You don't get it do you! Wouldn't expect you to ya bloke! He's got the Rowan Fortune in his head! And we want it!" Klef growled.

"Well, I guess that fortune is mine. Since you're not getting it!" Hellbent shouted, moving closer to Klef.

Where is everyone? Rotom wondered, what was happening was nobody could understand a word Waterfall was saying. Since she was crying while she talked.

"Rotom is just going to GOOOOO!" Rotom cried, because he was suddenly grabbed by an Aerodactly. He couldn't escape it's claws and even his attacks didn't seem to bother it.

He was brought into a cave where he was pinned down. He heard some muttering but was exhausted from the long day.

As much as he tried to fight it, he felt himself falling asleep. He was scared, he was sad, but he was also tired.

He couldn't resist shutting his eyes, and falling asleep.

Rotom was sound asleep, when he felt something was off in his dreams. Instead of it raining cake like usual. There was nothing, just a black void.

Rotom never had nightmares, so it couldn't be that. Maybe he was just trying to get into a deep sleep.

"Hello?" A voice called out, the voice shaky and unsteady.

"Who said that? Rotom doesn't recognize you..." Rotom replied to the voice.

"You must come quick! Before they find out! Hurry!" The voice shouted, frantic. Almost as if it was being chased.

Rotom worriedly went toward the sound of the voice, the setting changed to a burnt tower, he could see charred wood everywhere, the ceiling was destroyed.

The center of the floor was also wrecked. Rotom swore he could've remembered the place.

"The burned tower... Rotom used to visit this place back when he lived with his maker..." Rotom remembered.

Peering down through the hole in the floor, he saw a misdreavus floating where the legendary beasts would normally rest.

He made his way down to the bottom floor.

"Who are you? And why did you take Rotom here?" Rotom asked the ghost, the Pokémon turned. It's eyes had bags beneath them.

They looked absolutely exhausted, as if they hadn't sleep in days. Their eyes were frantic with worry, and worry lines were clearly visible on their face.

"You're really here?! I don't have time to explain, I just have I deliver this message to you and fast!" They told him, their voice still frantic. They spoke quickly, not waiting for Rotom to respond, they continued.

"Memories long forgotten alas,
Long lost in the past.
An unfulfilled promise, a Stared Rose
A trip to a place nobody dares go.
Find them you must,
In my words, you have to trust.
Fix the things that were forgotten,
Or your world will see destruction.
To mend them swiftly, you must.
Alas the world will crumble to dust." They recited, swiftly but clearly.

"Rotom doesn't understand, an unfulfilled promise? The world will crumble to dust? You're confusing Rotom." Rotom told her, his head cocked to one side.

"I haven't any time to explain! You must go back through your memories. You must learn the truth! Fix what is wrong!" The Misdreavus told him, and they began to fade.

"What's happening?" Rotom asked them, but they had already vanished, along with the dream.

Cake began falling from the sky like usual, but Rotom no longer wanted it to.

So I left it on a creepy prophecy. Good luck figuring any of it out. You never will.

Well that about all, see y'all next time!

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