Chapter One: Ending a Semester

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Evelyn taps her foot rapidly against the dirty tile. Her pencil joins in on the nervous habit. She only has forty-five minutes to answer sixty questions. That doesn't seem so hard. Evelyn has done this countless times before. Waiting until the last damn minute to actually focus on her exam. She was too busy inwardly gritting at the annoying asshole behind her. Apparently, someone doesn't know how to keep their damn feet to themselves.

She sighs dejectedly. Her awareness of her surroundings annoys her sometimes. Then again, who else wouldn't find some jerk consistently kicking their chair annoying. Asshole.

Evelyn tightens her grip on her pencil. She needs to focus. She has sixty questions and only forty-five, no, thirty minutes left.

"Shit..." She mutters, scanning over the multiple choice questions.

Evelyn studied. Yes, she studied her ass off. She ignored any and everything that served as some form of a distraction. She wanted to make another A. Hell, she needs to make another A to keep her academic scholarship.

The crossing thought sent a ping of pain to Evelyn's temples. She does not want to think about all of that pressure at this moment.

"Come on, come on." She coaxes herself.

It took her for what felt like forever, but soon she was on her last question with five minutes to spare. Her studying definitely came in handy as Mr. Waller could be a bit of a vague asshole when it came to his study guides. He kept his sample questions and answers condensed.

This annoyed Evelyn because it meant that she had to read more and second guess herself on what information was or wasn't relevant. Thank God all of that actually worked.

"Finally." Evelyn sighs out a little louder than intended.

Mr. Waller, who's head popped up as soon as she uttered the word, gives her an indifferent gaze before rolling his eyes in boredom. Evelyn rolls her eyes as well as he returned his gaze to the paper in front of him.

He really is an uptight jerk.

Signing her name on the sheet, she all but eagerly stood from her seat. She walked gingerly down the aisle, taking note of the hefty amount of empty seats. For a moment she felt discouraged for taking such a long time to complete an easy exam, but just as quick as the feeling came, it went with ease. Why should she feel terrible for taking her time?

She shrugs as an answer, setting the packet and scantron on the professor's desk. She is glad that this will be the last time she will see him.

"Thank you. Happy Holidays." He replies dryly.

Evelyn mumbled a sincere "thank you" as she tried to contain her excitement and not high-tail hair happy ass out of the lecture hall as she really wanted to.

Although once she was outside, she damn near sprinted out of the building altogether. She did not give a damn that she looked like a blur of black as she zoomed through the seemingly endless halls.

She was happy to have finally ended the semester. Her first semester in college damn near kicked her ass. She nearly breezed through high school and she had all the confidence that she would do the same in college. She was humbled very quickly.

Evelyn declared her Political Science major fairly early. Not many college freshman enter college already knowing what they want to do, let alone what they want to major in. Some called her silly, some thought it was enlightening to see someone so young already on the path to success. Evelyn simply thought the major would be great for her pre-law route and definitely easy to survive in.

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