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"First of all, someone go kill Sting for me, second of all where did this fucken homework come From?!"
Yukino said as she glared at the random Pieces of math homework appearing out of Nowhere

"I summoned them, thought you needed consoling after getting ultimate FRIEND ZONE! Plus homework always calms me down..." Levy replied

"What kind of sad life are you living?!" Gray asked

"Not yours." Levy quickly responded

"Fuck, why is that true?" Gray mumbled

"Anyways other than Gray's depressing life can we go back to the fact that Sting is a moron." Laxus grinned

"I am not, I'm just very perplexed to why Yukino refuses to have a nice conversation with me.." Sting replied

"See I told you, moron!" Laxus spoke

"Ugh I just want to jump out the window!" Natsu whined

"That's literally what you always do." Lucy said

"Yeah but I do it because I want to have fun not because I'm bored as fuck plus I want to actually live my life, like normal people do..." Natsu said

"Normal?! Pfft as if you dumbass! Normal for you is, yelling "I'm fired up!," And wanting to fight every 4 seconds, even Happy is more normal than you!" Gray said

"Oh yeah! You wanna fight!" Natsu yelled

"See what I'm saying?" Gray pointed out

"Why you fucken-!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Levy yelled

Everyone stopped talking

"Let's all calm down and do the following..." Levy said

Everyone paused and listen, her ideas always seemed to include some interesting shit

"Let's all do..."

They waited...


Ok maybe her ideas weren't the "best", but hey! she tried!

"What's with you and math?" Mira asked

"Sorry, I have an exam tomorrow and I need to study so I was thinking,  why not make everyone study too!" Levy exclaimed

"You are a horrible person..." Lucy mumbled

"Yeah I know but I'm stressed out, I shouldn't even be here, I think I'm  going to leave..."

"DON'T. YOU. DARE.!"Gajeel said

He was so not going to let her leave not when the time was so close...

"Woah! Someone's getting very inpatient I see.." Levy replied as she looked at Gajeel and smirked

"Well, you'll have to wait...I'm not done here..." Levy said

Gajeel was feeling weird like he wanted something...and he knew what it was

He smirked

"Well I guess I can't wait any longer..." Gajeel lowly replied as he took a few steps towards Levy and he was about to kiss her when all of a sudden she flew out the window

Gajeel stood in silence




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