Chapter 5

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Row, row, row your ship, gently down the seaaa!If you see your OTP, don't forget to scream!          

Sorry it was...I saw it..and it was.. appropriate...for this...sorry

I got dressed in one of favorite dresses. (You can choose how it looks) I waited for the time, watching the second season of Noragami (Actually I'm doing this because I was the friend who forced my friend to watch this XD So it's kinda the point of view of my friend since she was mad at me because she got 'addicted') which my friend from back when forced me to watch. I felt a bit awkward when the time changed to 5:40 AM. I felt a bit sick, but I left it alone and got my purse which held my money and phone. I was going to take a lot of pictures since, you know, it seemed like a date. And I was with..Aaron. I felt bad of course, since Aaron and Aphmau were going out, but I just couldn't ignore the feeling of love deep inside my heart. I ran out the door, smiling, and ran down the street. I closed my eyes and felt the breeze in my hair. I felt..excited to see Aaron again. The wind blew threw my hair. I start to laugh silently until I ran into something hard. Oh no, did I just embarrass myself in front of the whole neighborhood? I opened my eyes and my face turned red with embarrassment. Who did I run into? Someone was sitting on the floor, rubbing his head with his eyes closed. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry! I was in a rush..." He opened his eyes and showed my colored blue eyes. Gene!

"So I ran into the new girl on her first real day here.. My bad." I could see he was trying to control his temper. I shook my head. I felt a bit dizzy but I can't believe he's taking the blame of what I did!

"No no, it was mine. But sorry, I have to go, l will see you later, Gene!" I smiled and I swore I could see him blushing a bit underneath that cool guy act. I started to snicker and he looked away, smiling as if embarrassed. I half felt bad for him. I gave him a hug and he jumped and his eyes widened with shock. Now that's the Gene I knew. ( Okay, maybe I do want a love triangle here with Aaron x Reader and Gene X Reader! *wink wink if you know what I mean ;3) I got up and waved, brushing past him. "Bye Gene!"

"Bye..Kitty.." I ran down the street and passed Aaron's house...Then Aphmau's.. Then I ran down the road to My Mall ( Okay.. So maybe I don't know a name for a mall so I used the first two letters in Mystreet and add mall to it.. )  Aaron and Kawaii~Chan noticed me and the rest of the group and turned and looked at me and waved. I waved back and stopped in front of them. "Sorry guys, I was late because I ran into Gene on my way here.."

"EEEEEEE!!!" I looked over to Kawaii~Chan and she was spazing about with fangirlism in her eyes. I sighed and covered my eyes in disappointment.

"What's wrong with her?" I looked up at Aaron who watched Kawaii~Chan's spasm

"Ship." I didn't even bother explain it all because everyone sighed, surprisingly. Lucinda gestured we leave without making a noise, so we can leave Kawaii~Chan and act like we don't know her and only stopped to make sure if she was okay. We followed Lucinda until..Kawaii~Chan appeared behind me and put her hand on my shoulder. I felt a chill go down my spine and I shuddered, ridding of it. I knew exactly what she wanted. "So, Kitty~Sama...What did Gene~Kun and Kitty~Sama do together? Kawaii~Chan wants to know.." I shuddered again and sighed. It was useless to try and escape.

"We bumped into each other and said our goodbyes. That was all." Kawaii~Chan sighed, wishing that Gene and I talked some more, but I couldn't tell her that I kinda-ish scared him and we had a small conversation. I looked over at every store, looking for which she liked. All I knew from Aphmau is that she liked cookies...cakes...anything sweet and...Jumin, from Mystic Messenger. Maybe I'll buy her a velvet cake. I felt a tad sick. "I'm going to split off from the group."

"Kay!" Katelyn didn't bother to look at me because she was busy looking at a dog sweater. She must know Aphmau well, mostly because they live together. I headed off in my own direction. My thought felt itchy and I got a headache. Someone was gossiping about me. No, this was more serious. If someone was talking or gossiping about me, I would only have a headache. But my throat hurts..Did thinking of Katelyn and the way Aaron looks remind me of college? Of him..? I shook my head. Nonsense! I never saw him a year after I met the real him! Besides, Aaron doesn't act like him. I sighed and headed to a cake store.

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