Chapter 40

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Song- So Emotional ~1 Hour~

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Also sorry for not posting songs I've been going on phone to publish chapters so I'm dumb and don't know how to publish a song and even if I do, I'm too lazy so BYE XP

Anyways GO READ you guys!!!

"Aaron? Are you sure you want to do this?" Garroth watched me as I stood my ground, waiting for Garroth to agree in helping me.

"Certain, now let's g- UGH!" I yelled as a pain shot through me, forcing me to lean against the wall. I must've lost a lot of blood.

"Aaron! I'm not sure about this, you need to rest!" Garroth went to help me but I swatted him away.

"I'm fine, we don't have time to rest when Y/n and the others, including YOUR brother, could change forever! We still have a chance to save them!" Garroth started to hesitate at the mention of his brother, Zane, "Now let's go, we don't have any time to waste," I started to leave, hoping Garroth would know what's right.

"A-Aaron!" Garroth raced after me, "I'll help you but only one condition, promise me you won't die.."

"You know I can't promise a thing like that,"I stated without looking back at Garroth.

"I know but can you at least..try?" He whined.

"Fine. I'll try, but I still can't promise a thing like that.." I responded.

"I know.." Garroth sighed. Even if it kills me, Y/n will be saved.

Y/n's P.o.v~

Alone again in what seems to be my mind. Green chains still holding me down as I watched what happened in front of me like a television. Tears hung in my eyelids at the scene I had seen before. I don't like hanging in the past but the knowing of.. thinking I killed Aaron.. I just.. can't. No, he's stronger than that. I just.. have that feeling that he's not dead, "Are you sure that's not just what you want?" I jolted at the sound of a voice. That wasn't me..was it? The moment my sentence ended, the chains vanished in a green sparkle and I fell onto the invisible floor I didn't know was there. Alright, so I'm not alone.

"W-Who's there?" I tried not to stammer, but I couldn't help it. A laugh echoed through my mind as a figure started to appear from the green sparkles the chains left behind. It was me, but with a green glow, "Who are you?"

"I'm you, you can't say you don't remember me," it can't be.

"I got rid of you years ago! After I overcame my amnesia, I thought you were gone!" I gasped.

"Well you did kill my form, but they call me a 'forever potion' for a reason and when that man used one on you, that gave me a more powerful form than my last," I growled, lurching forward trying to tackle the girl who was formed by a forever potion. The moment I reached her, she smirked and my hand and body fell right through her! I landed with an 'oof' onto the ground and I sat up, ready for her to attack me, "I told you, I'm stronger than I was last time and, I can read your thoughts."

"Even if you can read my thoughts, I'm still stronger than you and you can't deny the reality of you being defeated for the final time!" She sighed and glared at me.

"Very persistent, now aren't we? Please, do be my guest, I'd like to see how you'd 'defeat' me," She smirked as she started to fade again, "This will be fun," And with that she vanished.

I gasped, the feeling of cold air on my cheeks waking me up from my disbelief. She let me regain control for my body.. but why? I realized I was still above the cliff Aaron fell off, so I stared down, trying to find him past all of that fog. Where...are you?

"Y/n follow me, it's time to go see that lifeless shocked face on that useless mongrel,"I turned around to look at whoever spoke, seeing Ein, the man who started the worst memories of our lives, with the corrupted Aphmau. Doesn't he realize I'm different? Are my eyes really still green? Even if he believes I'm still corrupted, he would kill me if he found out I'm not, so I have to play safe for now. I looked back one final time as I followed Aphmau and Ein down the cliff, the wind tussling my hair. I can't escape until I know he's safe. That's the only reason I'm not mourning over his 'death'. Because I have this feeling in my heart, that he's still alive, trying to save me. Besides, he promised he'll die when we get married, I won't allow him to die when we're so close to that moment..

Aaron's P.o.v~  

I froze, a feeling in my chest stopping my feet as Garroth and I headed towards the secret room Lucinda disappeared in. I looked behind me, outside the window. What is this feeling?  Why do I feel like I should rush to someone's side, like I feel relieved and scared for someone.. Did Y/n get hurt?

"Promise me you won't die before we wed, alright?" The sudden words swept through my mind like wind. Oh.. I remember that promise I made to Y/n...


"Let me get this straight, you love someone, but because of your conditions, you're not allowed to date her or even confess?" Y/n questioned as she stared at me inside the private art room we decided to share.

"Yeah, pretty much," I fell in love with Y/n but because of my father, I'm not even allowed to meet her just like Aphmau, but he's never going to stop me from having a life. Y/n chuckled.

"I guess that's another thing we have in common, I also have someone I love, but I guess our conditions might be the same because, well, I can't do anything with him either," She smirked, a small blush forming just below her eyes, "College life is so harsh," She whined, stretching her arms a bit, relieved to get rid of her troubles.

"I have to agree," I sighed, trying to hide a blush. I can't help myself when she acts so cute all the time. She looked at me and smiled.

"Hey, I have a question about your crush,  and you have to answer me truthfully!" She said seriously, before breaking out in a smile. I couldn't hold back the small blush back.

"Ehhh?" I gasped, 'F-Fine but only if I could ask you a question too," I growled, trying to avoid her gaze.

"Alright! Then tell me, if your crush n this room?" She smirked. I looked up at her in surprise. That's a very straightforward question, it's as if she's asking me if I like her.

"Y-Yeah.." I whispered, loud enough for her to hear me. Her blush grew and she gasped, a smirk growing from eye to eye. I need to get rid of this awkward aura, "A-Anyways, mind if I ask the same question? Is your crush in this room?" Please say yes, it's weird confessing to someone who doesn't even like you!

"Of course! I wouldn't be here otherwise!" Her face was all red as she tried to hide the awkward atmosphere. We completely switched roles as I tried to hide a smile as he tried to hide her embarrassment. It's nice knowing you can love while at the same time you feel loved, "A-Anyways, your leaving college this year, correct?" I looked over at Y/n.

"Yeah, why?" I questioned.

"Well, I know I sounds like a child, but, if we ever do meet again, and we're still single, wanna get married?" She asked so seriously.

"U-Uh, I mean.. s-sure!" I said without rethinking my quote.

"Then it's settled! Don't use that dangerous attitude and get yourself killed. Not before we wed that is! Even if we don't, don't die unless your future wife give you permission! Got it?" I couldn't help but smile at her childish request as I agreed.

"Alright, I promise as long as you listen to the same request,"


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