Chapter 22

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Oh.. I SKIPPED A LOT OF SIDE STORIES and went STRAIGHT to the cats... I guessed I really wanted to do them.. OH WELL let's just say that happened BEFORE any of this happened. Okay? Okay. Don't say a word or I WILL CALL 119! Anyways just go read. Oh and I also did the 'operation get Gene a house' as well (when Aaron and Y/n were separated) and decided to have Gene have a secret crush on her but not have a Gene x Reader. Sorry you Gene fans..

Narrator~San (#changed his name)- 'It was Christmas in Mystreet. All the neighbors went outside their doors and enjoyed the snow-'


I heard something fall from the roof and I got startled awake. I looked outside. "A-Aaron...It's snowing.." Aaron woke up and looked outside. (Oh? How could I forget? Their sleeping together >;3 *evil winky cat face*)

"Oh wow! It is. Hey! I can see Aphmau, Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn, Zane, and Garroth out there! Wanna join them?" He winked at me. I smirked.

"Of course I do! I love the snow!" We ran downstairs, not changing out of our pajamas, and joined he others outside. We rolled around in the snow and enjoyed the fluffiness. Also, don't question how we became humans again. You DO NOT wanna know. I suddenly came out of my senses. "OH MY IRENE IT'S SO FREAKING COLD!" I screamed, getting up, half covered in snow.

"GAH! Y/n~Sama is right.. BUT KAWAII~CHAN ENJOYS THE FLUFFINESS!" Kawaii~Chan burried herself in snow.

"THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT SHALL KEEP US WARM!" Aphmau squealed. For a few seconds, Garroth, Aphmau, Kawaii~Chan, and I sat there. Shivering. Aaron, Zane, and Katelyn just watched us for a bit. Trying not to laugh at our stupidity.

"It's now WORKING!" Garroth yelled.

"Then get your COAT on!" Katelyn yelled back.

"NEVERRRR!" he buried himself in snow.

"Yeah..Katelyn's right.. Let's go get coats on and enjoy some cookies in welcome of the holidays." I sighed, pulling the cold Garroth out of the snow.

"Yeah! Holiday cookies!" Aaron smirked. Us four ran back to the house.

"WEEEE!" I heard Zane yell. The others heard it too and looked back to see Aaron, Katelyn, and Zane enjoying the snow as if it was their first time in a house full of candy and toys.

"Such kids." Garroth sighed.

"I know right? How could you get this excited over something like snow? Amateurs." I sighed back.

For the next few hours, Aaron and I decorated our house for the holidays. I heard a knock on the door. "What..?"

"Who's that?" Aaron said, looking at the door in curiosity.

"Obviously somebody, but everyone should be decorating.." Aaron watched me as I opened the door and some hobo with a beard came out. "What in the-"

"I'm your friendly neighborhood mail man."

"Sorry but I don't have any money so go away." I sneered at him. I was supposed to slam the door on him, but he blocked it.

"CAN'T YOU SEE THE ELF COSTUME?" Now he was dressed in an elf costume and didn't have a beard anymore.

"...How did you do that..?"


"OKAY! Sheesh!" Of course I was ignored. I signed the paper and slammed the door. "No more of that.." I looked at the paper. "What in the world? I needed to sign for ADVERTISEMENTS?"

"What?" Aaron chuckled.

"I had to sign the papers for advertisements. 'Go to McCafee and order your new Holiday Mocha!'" Aaron laughed. I saw the mail man through the window. "I WANT A REFUND!" I tapped the mail onto the window, covering him from view. "WELL! Let's get back to decorating!" And then, we ignored the past events and went back to decorating.

After decorating, we sat by the fire and enjoyed some holiday cookies. The door bell rings. I sighed. "Oh well, I kinda guess those wouldn't be the only advertisements.."

"Should I answer it this time?"

"No, no. I might have a small temper sometimes because of.. past events.. but I could handle this." I smiled, as a 'thank you for thinking about me' and headed towards the door. I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes. I sighed it out and opened my eyes at the same time opening the door. "I DON'T WANT YOUR STUPID ADVERTISEMENTS-" At the door stood two people I would never had expected.

"Hello Y/n. Is that how you greet your mother?" At the door was Darian and my foster mother (In pure honesty, I always forget the brother's name so I have to read my other chapters to remember. Such a lazy Author I am XD)

"You're not my mother, Y/m/n (Your Mother's Name *Doesn't have to be your real mother's name*)

"Well, yeah, she is our mother now, Y/n" Darian growled at me. I hate the sight of these people.

"Y/n? Are you okay? Are the advertisements that bad-" Aaron walked up to me and whispered to me, "Who's she? And why is Darian here." I took a deep breathe in.

"I'm guess you and Darian have already met, but Aaron, this is Y/m/n. Y/m/n, this is my boyfriend, Aaron." She smiled and put on her 'innocent mother' act. She always does this so they take her side over mine all the time.

"I'm so sorry if Y/n has caused you any trouble! I'm her mother, Y/m/n. Nice to meet you, Aaron? Was it?" She held out her hand, waiting for him to shake it.

"Uh. Yeah, sure. Nice to meet you Y/m/n." He glared at her hand for a second and then, with hesitation, shook her hand. She smiled. I glared at her. I hate how she acts. She even dares calling herself my mother. She's my FOSTER! "C'mon on, you must be freezing!" Aaron said, gesturing to them to enter. I was speechless. Nothing to say to the events that's happening. As they passed by us, i swore I saw Y/m/n evilly smirk at me. I closed the door. I was about to go join the conversation and tell Aaron she was my foster when I heard the doorbell ring again. "I just closed it too.." I opened the door to see two girl standing there. "Oh..Hello!"

"Ah, such a nice girl. May we come in?" The younger girl with light brown hair said.

"Okay..sure.." I guess I was caught up in the moment I couldn't do anything but agree. Now, we have four unexpected visitors. They came in and took off their coats, hanging it on the rack next to the door.

"Such a fine place you live in." The older girl with darker hair said.

"T-Thanks." I stuttered.

"Y/n? I heard the door bell ring, you okay-" Aaron stopped in his tracks.

"Aaron." The older one said.

"M-Mom? Melissa?" Oh. So they're his mom and sister? I heard a lot about them. It got awkward fast. I had to do something.

"Why don't we all chat. Over there! Where everyone else is!" I smirked, nervously. Ugh! I'm such a nervous wreck when I meet new people! They nodded and I led them to the island table. Aaron was about to join us when I heard the doorbell. "Aaron? Can you go get it?" I signaled him to answer it while I distract everyone. I listened to the moms discussing about our relationship and Derian and Melissa talking about sibling thinks. I looked up to see Aaron answering the door and saw a man who looked almost like Aaron at the door. I'm guess that's his dad.

"Dad?" Guessed. It.

"Hello, son. May I come in?"

"S-Sure." He and Aaron joined us. He was wearing a suit. He looked at me.

"Ah! Are you that Y/n I heard about? Aaron's wife?" I blushed.

"W-Wha-" I fainted. Too much stress. Having my foster mother come over and well as my brother, and then visited by Aaron's family. I couldn't take it anymore. So I took the easiest route out. 

Collapsing and fainting.

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