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The next day when I go to school Amy is waiting for me by my locker. I haven't really talked with her since Damarion's been here, as she's been too preoccupied with him. "Hey girl" she says to me as I get what I need out of my locker. 

"Wow look who finally decided to stop ignoring me. I've missed you the past two weeks." I say. Needless to say I'm a little pissed with her right now. 

"What are you talking about I wasn't ignoring you. If anything you were ignoring me!" she says looking both confused and mad. 

"Oh yeah cause I was the one fawning all over Damarion and spending every waking hour trying to win his affection." I exclaim. She just looks at me as if I'm crazy or something.

"What are you talking about? Who's Damarion?" she asks. Wait what? How could she not remember him?

"What do you mean 'who's Damarion'? He's the new kid who got here like two weeks ago. You and all the other girls worshiped the ground he walked on. How could you not remember that?" I ask trying to make sense of things.

"Marian there's never been a guy named Damarion and no one transferred here two weeks ago. Are you feeling okay?" she asks putting her hand on my forehead as if to check if I had a fever. I bat her hand away and just stare at her. She seemed like she was telling the truth, at least in her mind, but it makes no sense. Did Damarion do something to her?

"So you don't remember Damarion at all?" I ask.

"No I've never heard that name before. Look We've gotta head to class so we can figure this out later." she says. I look at the clock on the wall and realise she was right so I close my locker and start walking with her to our first class. We get there just as the teacher walks in and the bell rings. I look over to the desk Damarion sat at when he was here and it was empty. Why would he leave all of a sudden, not that I'm complaining but it just seem odd. Suddenly I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the teacher.

"Alright class we have a new student starting today and I want you all to make sure he feels welcome. Come on in Nathaniel." Ms. Anderson says and I see a slightly younger looking Nathaniel walk through the door. What the hell is he doing here and why does he suddenly look my age? Was it because of Damarion?

"Hello my name's Nathaniel and I recently moved here to stay with family while my parents are abroad." he says with a smile on his face, then is eyes meet mine and her winks. 

"Alright Nathaniel you can take a seat next to Marian." Ms. Anderson say gesturing to the empty seat next to me. As he sits down Ms. Anderson starts the lesson. After a class of me trying to figure out what was going on and paying absolutely no attention to the teacher I make sure to catch Nathaniel on the way out. I need answers. 

"Hey Nate can we talk for a sec?" I ask.

"Yes of course" he says as I lead him to a mostly empty part of the hallway.

"Why are you here? Why do you look younger?" I ask wanting to get to the bottom of everything.

"I am here to keep a closer eye on you and make sure your safe. After what happened with Damarion I do not want to take any chances. I look younger because I needed to appear to be a high school student so I had Ryder use his magic to make me look younger." he explains clearly trying to calm me down. 

"Wait Ryder can use magic? Is he like part wizard or something or is that a merperson thing?" I ask.

"Yes Ryder has the ability to use magic but he is a full merman. There are a few merpeople who can use magic but I am not one of them."  he explains. 

"Oh okay. So something weird happened. I was talking to Amy earlier and she didn't remember Damarion at all. I have a feeling that no one else does either. Do you know why?" I ask.

"I have an idea why that might be. See Damarion was sent here by his mother to keep an eye on you and probably to eventually kidnap you, but after my appearance both him and his mother probably got spooked and didn't want his abrupt leaving to cause a scene. They probably figured it's be easier to wipe all memory of him. Both him and his mother are magic users and very gifted in memory magic."  he explains. 

"Wait is his mother the woman who's after me?" I ask.

"Unfortunately yes" he replies.

"Are you ever gonna tell me about her and why she wants me gone?" I ask wanting to know the full story.

"In time I will tell you but for now we need to continue with your training to prepare you." he replies.

"Wait more training? Don't we still have like a month and a half left before my supposed transformation?" I ask really not liking the idea of "training".

"Yes but you have been away for a long time and you need to relearn how to swim properly and rebuild your upper body strength. Also, as I have stated, you need to relearn how to read minds and transmit your own thoughts. I've also asked Ryder to join me next week to teach you magic." he explains.

"Wait, I have magic?" I ask kind of in shock.

"Yes you do. All members of the royal family have magic." he explains. I can't believe that I have magic, this whole thing is getting really crazy. Then I remember I wanted to ask Nate about the dream I had last night.

"Oh by the way I wanted to ask-" just then the bell for our next class rang. "Shit we're going to be late. We can talk more at lunch." I exclaim dragging Nate to our next class. As the day went on I really can't focus on my lessons, trying to wrap my head around the fact that I'm not only a mermaid but one with magic, that I have to learn how to use. I'm also thinking about that dream from the other night wondering what it could mean. The lunch bell finally rang and Nate and I walk/run to the pool for some much needed privacy.

"So you started to ask me something earlier. What was it?" he asks

"Well I had a pretty weird dream last night and I was wondering if it meant anything." I said and go on to describe my dream. Once I was finished he looked almost shocked.

"Marian it sounds like you remembered something." he says beaming. "It sounds like the memory spell is fading along with the spell on your body!" he announced.

"So that was a real memory? Was that girl a friend of mine? Who were we running from? She said something about my father but that's impossible, my father's human!" I blurt out trying to get all of my questions out. 

"Slow down Marian. One question at a time. Yes that was a real memory, I remember you had a close friend named Skyler who fits your description."

"Whoa okay so then what about who we were running from?" I ask wanting to know why Irina mentioned my "father"

  "Marian that is a very long and complicated conversation. I promise I will tell you but for now we should make our way to class." he says ending the conversation.

"Okay but we're talking about this after school today." I stated leaving no room for argument.

"Yes your highness" he says with a little bow.

I roll my eyes "Don't call me that ever again" I say glaring at him.

"Sorry habit" he admits with a smile. With that we head back to class.

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