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The rest of the day passed by fairly quickly and by the time the final bell rang I was eager to hear the long and complicated story. I grabbed Nate by the arm as the end of the day bell rings and drag him over to my locker. "Must you drag me every where? I assure you I can walk properly." he says sounding a little annoyed.

"Sorry I just really want to get home as soon as possible so that you can tell me that long and complicated story." I say apologetically.

"I understand that but-wait we're going to talk at your house?" he asks sounding very nervous.

"Yeah my dad's getting kinda tired of me coming home late without telling him. Also I get the feeling he'll want to meet you eventually so might as well be now." I explain. "He's a really nice guy you'll see." I tell him hoping to calm his nerves.

"Alright I guess I understand" he says no sounding any less nervous. We head to my place making some small talk along the way. He really is a nice guy and honestly I'm glad we're able to talk like normal people. Once we get to my house he freezes and his nervousness returns.

"Come on my dad's not gonna bite, he's completely harmless." I reassure him. He nod apprehensively and follows me inside. "Dad I'm home and I brought a friend" I call out. He peaks his head out from the kitchen and smiles.

"Hey kiddo welcome home. Now who might this be?" He asks looking at Nate.

"Dad this is Nathaniel my friend from the other day." I answer hoping to leave it at that.

"Ah nice to meet you Nathaniel I'm Daniel." he responds holding out his had for Nate to shake.

"It's an honor to meet you Daniel." Nate says shaking his hand. 

"Well now that you're all antiquated Nate and I have homework to do so we'll be in my room." I say leading Nate upstairs.

"Alright just leave the door open." my dad says giving me that look.

"Come on dad I already told you Nate has a boyfriend." I say giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

"Alright fine you can have your privacy." he responds begrudgingly.

"Thanks daddy I love you" I say

"I love you too kiddo now go get your work done. Dinner will be ready in and hour or so also Nate you will be joining us I want to get to know my daughter's new friend." he says leaving no room for argument.

"Yes of course sir." Nate replies looking a little scared.

"Just Daniel is fine." My dad says with a smile and a wink. We finally are able to go up to my room and I close the door, lock it, and invite Nate to sit next to me on my bed.

"Alright so who was the guy I was running from in my dream, why was I so cared of him, and why did Skyler call him my father?" I ask wanting to get right down to business.

"Alright I'll start from the beginning. I suspect that man was your step father, King Tamesis." he says carefully.

"Wait my step father? So my mom was married? Did she cheat on him with my dad? If she did cheat do I have any real claim to the throne?" I ask not knowing what to think.

"Calm down and let me finish. Yes your mother was married to this man before she met your father. However she had no choice in the matter. Queen Cecilia's parents arranged for her to marry King Tamesis as he was the ruler of the South Pacific ocean and your grandparents wanted to unite the kingdoms. Your mother tried to refuse as she did not want to marry a man that wasn't her life mate. She had also heard terrible stories of King Tamesis's cruelty. However her parents left her no choice so she did end up marrying King Tamesis and he was not a kind man nor a benevolent ruler. He was obsessed with power and image and he wanted to truly secure his position with and heir.  Your mother mother knew in order to appease King Tamesis she had to provide him with an heir. She became pregnant a few months after they were married."

"Wait so I have a sibling?" I exclaim confused.

"Yes you have a half brother he's about 5 years older than you." he replies trying to calm me down.

"So why do you need me to rule if he's older and a full merman?" I ask furious he didn't tell me this sooner.

"Your brother  is currently ruling over the South Pacific Ocean for reasons that will become clear. Now would you like me to continue?" he asks

"Fine please continue." I reply.

"Alright  shortly after your brother's birth Queen Cecilia started to feel pulled toward the surface and eventually she gave into this urge and went up where, I assume, she met your father. After that she would disappear for days at a time but King Tamesis didn't notice nor care because to him she had served her purpose. Three years later you were conceived and the King was furious as they had not been intimate since your brother's birth. However he couldn't prove any infidelity and he still wanted to keep his power over all the Pacific so instead of leaving her he took his anger out on you. He kept you very isolated and didn't allow you to have any friends outside the palace. He would yell at you whenever he found you had left and he wouldn't allow you to interact with your brother because he thought you would corrupt him. Skyler was the daughter of one of the palace maids and the two of you were quite close. She would help you sneak out of the palace and took you on tours of the city making sure to keep you safe. I would also help on the occasion I wasn't in training with my father. The dream you had was probably of one of those excursions."

"Wow that's quite the story. You still haven't explained why my brother is ruling the South Pacific." I say.

"After you vanished your mother believe King Tamesis was behind you disappearance and she was able to disolve the marriage and King Tamesis took your brother with him." Nate explains.

"I see so I'm Queen Cecilia's only heir." I say 

"Yes you are which is why you are needed back home. Like I have said before the only other person who can take over the throne is not suited at all." he says with a glimer of hope in his eyes.

"I still don't know if I'm really qualified to rule but I will allow you to train and teach me as long as the decision remains mine." I say hoping that would satisfy him.

"I'm glad princess you won't regret your decision." he says with a huge grin on his face.

"I thought I told you not to call me that." I say exacerbated.

"I know but you've now accepted your role so I must show you the proper respect. You better get used to the title princess." he explains making me sigh.

"Marian, Nathaniel dinner's ready" my dad calls from down stairs.

"Alright lets go. Good luck with my dad's interrogation." I say with a wink making Nate's face pale.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2018 ⏰

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