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A/N: Picture is Amy.

The next day when I got to school I head straight to my locker passing Amy hoping she wouldn't see me, but she did. "Hey girl." she says leaning against the locker next to mine.

"Hey Amy." I say not looking at her.

"So how did the meeting go with the mystery man?" she asks.

"Not well he thought I was someone else." I say not even wanting to think about yesterday.

"Oh I'm sorry. Was he at least cute?" she asks. 

"Very, but that's beside the point." I say closing my locker and walking to my first class. Amy follows me continuing to pry.

"So what was his name?" she asks.

"He said it was Nathaniel." I say.

"Oo sounds sexy." she says.

"Oh shut up." I reply. Then I looked up and see Nathaniel standing a few feet away and he he was making his way over to me. "Oh no" I say looking for a place to hide.

"What? What's wrong?" Amy asks.

"He's coming over here!" I say mentally and physically freaking out.

"Who? Nathaniel?" she asks. I nod suddenly noticing he's right in front of me.

"Hello Princess." he says. 

"Uh hi Nathaniel. Please don't call me princess." I say trying to figure a way out of this situation.

"Hello Nathaniel we were just talking about you. I'm Amy Marian's best friend." Amy says making me want to strangle her.

"Hello it is nice to meet you. Ir-Marian may I speak to you...in private?" he asks looking hopeful.

"Well um-" I stutter trying to think of an excuse when I'm saved by the bell. "I have to go." I say pushing past Nathaniel but he grabs my arm and I turn and find his face inches from mine. He had a pleading look in his eyes and I faltered. "Alright fine we can talk at lunch. The pool building should be empty." I say regretting it the moment the statement left my mouth. A huge smile lit up his face.

"Thank you very much Princess." he says.

"Look don't thank me yet. If I don't like your explanation for yesterday I won't be talking to you anymore. Oh and please don't call me princess." I say going to class with Amy in tow looking very confused and who, no doubt, had a million questions for me that I hoped I wouldn't have to answer. When lunch came around I went to the pool building where I met up with Nathaniel. "Well you wanted to talk, so talk." I say wanting to get this over with.

"First I would like to apologize for my actions yesterday. I had not realized you had lost your memory." he says and I already know this isn't going to end well.

"Okay I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm pretty sure I have all of my memories." I say slightly annoyed.

"What about the first seven years if your life?" he asks confusing me.

"What about it?" I ask back

"I want you to think, really think, back to that time. Can you truly remember anything? Any details or anything specific?" he says calmly making direct eye contact. I thought for a second focusing on the first seven years of my life and I realized I couldn't remember any details not even any names of people or teachers which was weird. "Well?" he says.

"I can't really remember anything. I mean I can kinda remember some stuff but it's all fuzzy and my memories don't really feel real." I say feeling almost lost in a way. Why is everything so hazy?

"Hmm the person who gave you your legs must have erased your memories as well." he says mostly to himself.

"Wait what are you talking about? What do you mean by the person who gave me my legs? I was born with legs wasn't I?" I ask not really knowing what else to say. What did he mean by that?

"Marian I want you to listen to me and please do not leave until I am finished explaining. Promise?" he says again making direct eye contact.

"I promise" I say and mean it.

"Okay I was sent here by your mother to-" 

"Wait my mother? Why did she send you? Is she okay?" I ask not even letting him finish. How did he know my mother? Not even my father talks about her.

"Yes your mother." he confirms, "She sent me because she knew she could trust me, but Marian I am sorry you have to here this from me, but...your mother is dead. She died a few days ago. I am so sorry." he said sounding extremely sad. I was stunned silent. I never even  knew my mother and to find out that she was dead from a complete stranger was just too much. I wanted to just curl up in a ball and start crying, but I couldn't because there were questions that I need answered. "So why did my mother send you here?" I finally manage to get out.

"To bring you home." Nathaniel says and I instantly scoff.

"Oh really and where exactly is that?" I ask.

"In the north Pacific Ocean." he says and I'm even more confused. Did my mom own an island or something?

"What's that supposed to mean, and what does any of this have to do with what happened yesterday?" I say exasperated I just want answers.

"Marian your mother was not human. She was the mermaid queen of the North Pacific Ocean." he says calmly and I loose it.

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