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"So what happened next?" I asked.

"Well..." he started.

Flashback Daniel (Marian's dad) POV

Through the rest of my shift I couldn't stop thinking about that woman I saw struggling down the beach. She was absolutely beautiful with her chocolate brown hair and brilliant emerald green eyes I just wish I knew her name. When my shift ended I climbed out of my lifeguard chair and I turned around to find that woman again looking at me. I saw her smile and wave at me. I repeated the action and walked over to her. "Hey you seem to have gotten the hang of walking on the beach." I say to her.

"Yes it took a little bit of practice but I did indeed, as you said, 'get the hang of it'." she said sporting the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. 

"Well I'm glad to hear that. I'm Daniel by the way." holding out my hand for her to shake. 

"It is a pleasure to meet you Daniel. My name is Cecilia Evington." she says shaking my hand. When her hand touched my I felt sparks go up my arm. What's going on?

"Well it's nice to meet you Cecilia. Hey would you like to hangout sometime maybe show you around...or something?" I ask hoping I could see more of this girl, she as obviously way out of my league but maybe by some miracle she says yes. I feel some kind of connection to her, I don't want to let her go.

"Daniel...Daniel hello are you still with me?" she asks waving her hand in front of my face.

"What?" I ask. Wow real smooth God she probably thinks I'm a total space cadet now, not that that's untrue, but I don't want her to know that.

"I said that I would love to have you show me around. I also wanted to apologize for my rudeness earlier today. I was frustrated and I took it out on you which was uncalled for and I apologize." she says looking at her feet.

"Oh don't worry about it. So how about you meet me here tomorrow around noonish, and I'll show you around and we can maybe grab some lunch." I say internally fist pumping.

"Yes that works I will be looking forward to it." she says.

"Great awesome I will see you here tomorrow then." I say.

"Yes tomorrow." she replies turning to leave. The next day I got to the beach 10 minutes late because I'm an idiot and I saw Cecilia waiting for me by the lifeguard chair.

"I'm sorry I'm late I lost track of time!" I say hoping I haven't blown my chance.

"It is quite alright Daniel. I do not mind waiting." she says flashing me her amazing smile. 

"Okay well...shall we?" I say gesturing for her to follow me.

"Yes" she says. The rest of the day went off without a hitch, surprisingly enough. Cecilia was amazing, but got strangely cryptic when I asked about her family but I just brushed it off.

End of Flashback Marian's POV

"And after that we ended up being together for about 3 years." dad says as he finishes his story.

"What happened why isn't she here now, if you don't mind my asking?" I ask wondering if he knew anything about mermaids or anything like that.

"Well she just sort of vanished." he says.

"What do you mean she vanished?" I ask. Why would she just disappear?

"Well we had a date planned for our anniversary, and I was actually planning on proposing to her, but she never showed. After that I never saw her again and her phone was out of service." he says sadly.

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