5- Problems

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Reboot's P.O.V
I heard him mutter 'sleep well Boots...' so I muttered in return.
"Good night... I love you..." I muttered, hoping he didn't hear the last bit.
He seemed like he didn't, since his breath become more softer, he must've fallen asleep.
I opened my eyes looking up at him. "Oh god...." He pulled me closer.
I tensed up slightly then relaxed closing my eyes and sighing.
My enemy was asleep and hugging me.... Yet I couldn't hate him... He's destroyed many of my AUs... most of my time but I just can't hate him...
I opened my eyes looking up at his face, I gently placed my hand on his cheek wiping some of the black ink away, looking at my hand looking at it. Huh.... Ink drips from his eye sockets....
I closed my eyes again, shivering. I felt him pull me closer, I couldn't help but smile as I drifted off to sleep again.
Maybe, just maybe, we could put our differences aside and love each other... If we put those aside, maybe we could become something more than friends.... something less than enemies....
I slowly thought, my mind whirling with multiple thoughts, sighing, I shouldn't be thinking this.... He'd never love me; a creator of AUs... The things he works hard to destroy... The things I work hard to create... 
I sighed sitting up, trying not to wake him up.
"Why....?" I muttered.

Eraser's P.O.V
I felt Reboot move out my grip, but didn't do anything since I was still asleep... Well half asleep.
I heard him mutter. "Why....?"
I opened my eyes, pulling him down. "Why what?"
"..." He stayed silent.
I sat up pulling him into my lap. "Tell me."
"..... Why...... why.... why do you destroy my AUs?" He looked away.
"They're glitches. Filthy glitches."  I replied.
"But if you destroy more than a certain amount......." He paused, wearily, before continuing. "It'll make me and another au creator ill.... A-and if we're ill and you continue destroying AUs....." He stopped sighing slightly before looking away.
"What will happen?" I asked, nothing bad can happen, right?

Written in Codes (Eraser X Reboot)Where stories live. Discover now