Chapter 11- Talking to Xcellence

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Xcellence's P.O.V
I saw Reboot run up to me with a short skeleton in black following him. The shorter skeleton reminded me of someone, I couldn't put my finger on who though.
Reboot stopped right in front of me, panting because he ran so quickly. The shorter skeleton hid behind him.

"Umm Hi Reboot... Whaddya need?" I asked, glancing past Reboot to see Eraser. "Huh... Eraser is stalking Reboot now...?" I thought to myself.
"Hi Xcellence! I'm here to talk about Halluciv." He stated, smiling.
"Okay. What about him?" I honestly didn't care about Halluciv now, he can get so annoying with his 'senpai' rubbish.
"What did you say to him." Reboot, for once, sounded scary... And it certainly wasn't a question, but an order. Even the skeleton behind him shrunk back.
"W-what do you mean...?" Damn it... I stuttered.
"I mean, what did you say to him to make him cry." Reboot said flatly.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied. That really made him cry?!
"You know what I'm talking about Xcellence." Oh crap... He's scary.
"Fine, I may have said a thing or two, but I didn't think he'd cry!" I exclaimed, he skeleton behind Reboot began sniffling.
"Repeat everything you said to him." He ordered.
"Well I said that he can't help anyone... That he's wasting his time... And to leave me alone... And to never talk to me again because I didn't like him." I listed everything I said to Halluciv.
"What did he say?" Reboot asked. Why is he asking so many questions!?
"He just stared at me... He tried arguing back but I kept cutting him off. Then he looked like he was going to burst into tears." I said flatly, trying to act like I didn't care, but now I did.
"Because he called me senpai non-stop! It's annoying! And he tried hugging me." I scoffed, the skeleton behind him looked down.
A small whisper was heard. "I-I'm sorry..." It came from the skeleton behind Reboot.
Reboot looked at him, putting his hand on the skeletons shoulder. "Hey, don't cry." He spoke softly.
"Who is he anyway?" I asked and Reboot looked at me, a faint look of disbelief on his face.
"This, Xcellence, is the skeleton you said all those rude things too, Halluciv." Reboot stated, it's as if he was saying "you should've recognized him".
"It can't be! It looks nothing like him!" I exclaimed, baking away.
"Well it is." Reboot stated again.
"Prove it." I didn't believe him.
One moment a cute skeleton stood behind Reboot, the next a black blob. "I-is this enough proof...?" Muttered the black blob. Definitely Halluciv...
"H-HOW?!" I shouted.
"I w-wasn't always a black blob." He spoke flatly, changing back into the cute skeleton form, tears seemed to be flowing down his face.
"Why aren't you like this more often...?" I asked, walking to Halluciv, Reboot backing away a few feet.
"...I... I don't know..." He muttered looking away, wrapping his arms around himself.
"Halluciv..." I spoke walking forward, he backed away.
"I-if you didn't like me, y-you c-could've said earlier..." A small chuckle came from him. "I feel so stupid."
I glanced at Reboot for help, but he had a look that clearly read "you have to solve this yourself" on his face. I looked back at Halluciv. "Why do you feel stupid...?"
"Isn't it obvious? I wasn't calling you senpai for the sake of it!" He cried.
"Then why...?" I asked.
"I feel stupid because I tried making it so obvious that I love you but no, you have to look over my head and treat me like a freaking brat!" He cried louder. I felt like an idiot now... How did I not realize sooner?!
"H-halluciv... I honestly had no clue..." I muttered, taking another step towards him, he stayed in his spot.
"Yeah because you didn't even bother thinking about why I called you senpai!" He wailed.
"Halluciv, I'm sorry!" I murmured, taking another step closer to Halluciv, opening my arms as if to hug him but he backed away.
"Don't pretend to care!" He wailed, it broke me to see him like this because of what I did...
"Halluciv, let's go." Reboot spoke softly.
Halluciv ran to him. A portal opened and they both walked through, Eraser vanished when they did.

I just stood there. Guilt welling up in my soul. Was their plan to send me on a guilt trip?
I must apologize to Halluciv but he probably won't even listen...

Halluciv's P.O.V

I cried as we walked through the portal, once it closed, Reboot hugged me tightly.
"I'm sorry Lucy..." he muttered.
"I-it's not fair..." I wailed, he rubbed my back.
"He's going to probably go on a guilt trip and try apologize later." He said, kindly.
"S-should I accept h-his a-apology...?" I muttered.
"It depends on what you think." He sighed.
"Do you need some alone time...?" He asked rubbing my back.
"Y-yeah... C-come check up on me in an hour though please..." I whispered.
"Okay, I promise." Why was Reboot so nice?
"S-see you later Boots..."
"See you later Lucy." He smiled kindly, then vanished.

I sat down, letting the tears stream down my face freely. Xcellence doesn't know how much he hurt me.

Eraser's P.O.V

That was totally not weird... Halluciv and Reboot left Xcellence, and Halluciv was obviously crying. I teleported 'home' instantly after that, questioning what had happened, I might have to ask Reboot later...

I lay down on the couch, yawning. I wonder what Reboot said to Xcellence, I never saw him so scared other than back there. I think he's standing there like an idiot right now.

(Voila! Another chapter! I'm so tired right now. Oh well! Also, I'm apologizing right now for making anyone cry, if anyone did.)

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