Chapter 8- Regrets

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Reboot's P.O.V

I lay there for days, but to me it seemed like an eternity. I sighed covering my face. Why did I have that stupid outburst? Normally I can control myself when things like that happen but I don't know why I couldn't this time... Was is because he lied? Because it was all an act...? 
I sighed in annoyance, why did he do it?! Does he really want me does? Does he even care!? I felt tears well up in my eye sockets and let them fall. It doesn't even matter anyway. I don't matter. Nothing matters anymore. 
I felt something hit my soul, the sudden hit made me look around and almost scream in fear but... No one was around... What is going on?! I kept looking around, panicked until I realized what the feeling was.

Guilt. Regret. Sadness. Fear. Those are the things that hit my soul. I curled into a ball, crying. I don't know for how long i cried for but it seemed like years to me. "R-racy... I-I'm sorry..." I cried. I know he couldn't hear me but I couldn't get him out my mind. I couldn't help but think about what I said and how it could've hurt him emotionally. "I-I'm so s-sorry..."
I felt someone hug me. "It's alright Boots, I already forgave you... It was my fault anyway, i broke a promise." 
I looked up in disbelief. "R-racy?!" He wiped my tears away.
"Yes?" He smiled kindly, a genuine kind smile... Not his signature mischievous smirk.
"O-oh thank god." I hugged him tightly, crying. 
He hugged back  just as tightly.

We sat there for what could've been hours, maybe a day or so, in each others embrace. But he broke it by standing up, breaking the hug. I whined sadly and he suddenly picked me up.I wrapped my arms around his neck, hiding my face in his shoulder. He chuckled and kissed the top of my skull making me look up at him, blushing a bright ocean blue. I will never get used to his affection... 

He opened a portal and walked through, carrying me. I quickly fell asleep, I didn't sleep at all when i was in that white void.

Eraser's P.O.V

I carried him through the portal into Horrortale, trying to place him on the couch but couldn't as his hands were holding onto my vest, very tightly. I sighed and sat  down, placing him on my lap. I slowly started stroking his skull, he began purring in an almost kitten like way. I couldn't help but smile at this. This was one of the many things that made him cute- no adorable. 
I kept stroking his skull, slowly but surely falling into a peaceful slumber, just like my love was in, in my embrace.

I should try keep the promise this time... That would probably make him happy.

(finally, I rewrote the chapter... It's not as good but its something at least)

Written in Codes (Eraser X Reboot)Where stories live. Discover now