Chapter 9- Breakfast? What time is it even?

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Erasers P.O.V


I woke up. I began panicking, Reboot wasn't in my embrace like when I fell asleep.
I got up and searched the house until I saw him, he was standing in the kitchen, cooking and singing. I just stood there, listening to him, watching his hips sway side to side as he sang. A faint grey blush dusted my face.
He didn't notice that I was in the door way, he just sang and cooked. I walked up to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and gently placing my skull on his shoulder. "Hey Bootsy." I smiled as he jumped, his face turned pure blue. It was so adorable.

"Hey R-racy..." He stuttered, blushing.
"What you making?" I purred, raising an eyebrow.
"Some bacon and eggs." He answered, as he continued cooking but with great difficulty.
I nuzzled his neck, he looked confused.
"W-what a- Ngggh" His words were instantly cut off by a slight moan as I licked his neck.
I smirked, licking his neck a few more times.
"Aahhh~ S-stop! ~" He moaned out, trying to get me to stop.
I slowly bit down, his moans becoming louder.
"S-stop that R-racy!" He kept moaning.
"Aww but the noises you make are so cute~" I purred biting down again.
Another but louder moan escaped his mouth, his face seemed to turn darker blue.
I smiled in satisfaction, biting down on his neck another time.
He moaned louder. "R-racy p-please!"
I sighed, biting his neck one last time before stopping, I looked away frowning.
"R-racy? A-are you okay?" He asked, nervously.
"Yeah..." I made sure I sounded sad.
"You sound sad..." He stated.
"I'm not..." I sighed again.
"Please cheer up!" He whined, rubbing my cheek.
"On one condition." I smirked slightly.
"W-what...?" He muttered, looking worried.
"I'll cheer up if I can do anything to you later~" I purred, licking his neck enough to make my tongue just skim his cervical vertebrae (aka neckbone).
His breath hitched. "F-fine..."
"Yay!" I smiled and moved away, giggling childishly.
He muttered leaning into before he continued cooking.
I moved back, sitting on the counter behind Reboot, watching his hips sway side to side as he moved around.
I wolf whistled making him freeze, I could literally feel the heat radiating off his face from here, and I'm about three to five meters away.
He looked over at me, blushing brightly. "W-wha-W-why?!"
I just burst out laughing, so cute. "Nothing Bootsy." I stood up walking to him, pulling him into a kiss.
He froze up again, his face turned darker.
I pulled away. "Cute~" I purred.
He moved away, passing me a plate of eggs and bacon. "H-here's your food..."
"Thanks!" I smiled and we both began eating, talking about whatever popped into our minds.

Written in Codes (Eraser X Reboot)Where stories live. Discover now