Chapter 2 - The Gene

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after school Caroline and I have a study session at her house, since her mother is never home anyways. "I'm going to get us something to drink and some snacks!" She walks out of her living room and a second later I hear the door. "Mom?" She says and I walk closer to the wall to hear what they're saying. "what are you doing here?" she says. Uhm... it's her house maybe? "I know." That's not her mom. "Breaking and entering the Sherrif's house? That move will win you an award." What the hell? "Go ahead. Keep dodging, keep changing the subject but I know. You're just like me, aren't you?" It's Tyler. "No." "keep it up, I'm not buying it. I saw how strong you were. I'm not leaving here untill you tell the truth." "Tyler...." "You're a werewolve, and Rose as well! Say it!" She breaks into a laugh. "What?" She says laughing and than I hear someone being pushed against a wall. "Stop lying!" "I'm not lying!" "Say it!" He smashes the wall, and I run into the hall. "Tyler that's enough!" I yell and they both look shocked. "I'm not a werewolve, okay?" she says to us and now I'm sure. all the stories my grandma used to tell me are true.

Caroline dissapears into the kitchen while Tyler and I fall down on the couch. "Idiot." I say and he smirks, Caroline walks back in with a bottle of alcohol. "You know, this sounds crazy but alcohol helps or at least it helps me. You know, with all that inside jittery and stuff." she says while sitting down in a chair. "I'm hot." I laugh softly. "It's like my skin is on fire." Tyler says. "Really? I never had any of that. I guess werewolves are different. At the beginning, I was very, very emotional. Everything was heightened." Tyler sighs. "I have that. But how can you be a vampire?" HA! I knew it was true! "How can you be a werewolve?" "Who else is like you?" I now ask. Hey, I have queations as well. "Just me. It's a long story we can share another time. How many other werewolves are there?"

"Only me and my uncle Mason, who left town." "Look, Tyler, Rose.... You can't tell anyone, okay? Not about you, not about me. No one will understand." Caroline says while pouring herself a drink. "I want to tell you about my mom, yours and your dad, Rose, and the other founding families and the council but I need you both to promise me no one will find out about us. This is life and death." Tyler and I both sigh. "I have no one else to tell. I'm sorry about earlier. It's just.... I'm alone with this. It's gonna happen to me. On the next full moon, I'm gonna turn and I won't be able to stop it. I'm scared." I put my hand on his upper leg. "Tyler... NO... I..." "I may know something." They both look up to me. "Aren't you guys maybe wondering how I know?" They both nod.

"Well, I grew up in another town. I was always a lonely one, my dad and grandma used to call me 'Lone Wolf'. My grandma used to visit us once in a while, since she lived near New Orleans. She always told me these crazy stories about people turning into wolves and more of that crazy shit. When she died when I was 15, she left me everything she had, not that it was many. I were a lot of diares, of our family. I always said things about a pack, The Crescents, and all kinds of stuff. About half a year ago I started looking for more family from my dad's side, but never found any. When I saw you after Sarah died... I knew all the stories were true. But my big question was; is my dad a werewolve? and why didn't he ever tell me about all of this?" They both look shocked. "Does that mean.... you have the werewovle gene?" Tyler asks and I take of my shirt to show them my birthmark. "Yep."


"Rose! We need to talk." I nod and follow Caroline to the bench in front of the school. "I told you and Tyler that I was the only oone. Well, that wasn't excactely true." I smile. "I know. Stefan?" she looks surprised. "I got pretty good scenses, and I know how to use them." We both laugh. "well yeah. Stefan and his older brother, Damon. And than we have our lovely Katherine. You've met Elena, right?" I nod. "Well, long story short, she has a doppelganger who created Stefan and Damon around 150 years ago, and she's kind of an evil bitch. Damon has now locked her in a tumbe somewhere in the woods, and Elena went to talk to her. But now I need you to help me cover for her." I nod. "Sure." Caroline frowns. "You really don't have any trouble with this, do you?" We laugh while walking inside and stopping Stefan. "Stefan!" Caroline says. "Hey." he says frowning. "Hey, uh, we need to talk to you. Where are you going?" "Well, Elena went home sick; I just wanted to go check up on her." "Ditch her." "I'm kind of worried about her." "You know what? Ofcourse you are. Go ahead, I'd... You know what, we can talk later."

"Uh, talk about what/?" "I might have done something." Caroline says and Stefan stops walking. "What did you do?" "Told Tyler I'm a vampire. Told Rose about all of us."

A little while later we're sitting on a table, Caroline and I both eating fries. "Sorry to drag you here but if I don't eat, I get those kill innocent people urges. Tyler totally has those too by the way." "Yeah, what else did you say to him?" Stefan asks her. "Not much, I was trying to keep the questions to a minimum. Are you mad?" "Yes, Caroline. As a matter off fact, I am a little mad. I mean, you put yourself a risk. If Damon finds out...." "But you're not gonna tell him, are you?" Stefan sighs. "No, ofcourse not. He would kill you." I laugh. "he really sounds like a nice guy." Caroline giggles but Stefan can't see the humor of it. "Always looking out for me." "Yeah, well, you don't excactely make it easy for me." "Than why do you do it? why are you such a good friend?"

"I don't know... I guess you.. you remind me of someone. My best friend, Lexie." "I... you have a friend?" I burst into laughter when Caroline says that. "I'm sorry, I have no control." I say laughing. "Well, you and me both, Rose. I got to go now." "Wait! What do we know about Tyler? I don't want Damon to kill him 'cause there's a full moon coming up and Tyler is totally freaking out about it." I say quickly. "Okay, now I'm leaving." "Wait!" "No, no, no Caroline. You have two seconds to come clean, you as well Rose." I lift my hands in the air pretending to be innocent. "I'd believe the whole innocent act a little better if I didn't know how god you were at providing a distraction on demand. Where's Elena?" "I can't tell you."

"Are you kidding me? Caroline! Elena was kidnapped, she could have been killed and you're seriously not gonna tell me where she is?" "SHe's not in any danger. I would not let her put herself in danger." oh gahd these people are so damn complex! "Put herself in danger, where? What do you...? She's with Damon, itsn't she?" "EW NO!" I say. "Then where.... where is she? Listen, if you're my friend like you've been pretending to be all day, then you tell me where she is."

"Stefan, I am your friend. But I'm also Elena's friend and I'm sorry but I'm not going to tell you where she is." Stefan looks angry at us and than leaves. "I think we got this." Caroline says and I burst out in laughter again. "What did he mean with 'Elena was kidnapped'?" Caroline orders another set of fries. "At the masqurade Elena was taken by some guys named Trevor and Rose. I told you about her being Katherine's doppelganger, right? Well, they need the blood of a doppelganger to break the curse, and since Rose and Trevor turned Katherine into a vampire, she was useless. They thought her bloodline ended with her, but I guess it didn't. BUt because of the stunt Trevor, Rose and Katherine pulled they where extremely mad, so they have been hunting them down for over 500 years." "So they tried to trade their freedom for Elena?" "Yep." "Well, guess that didn't work out." 

What About Her  {The Vampire Diaries fanfiction}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें