Chapter 5 - The Truth

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After school, we all help to prepare for the barbeque later. Everything seems kinda normal, untill I see Damon's car pull up. I sneak away and run towards him. "Hey, what are you doing here?" He sighs. "They found a body, the janitor. Listen." I hide behind the wall while Damon talks to the sherrif, aka Caroline's mom. "A vampire. Luckily one of my deputies discovered the body before anyone else saw him." She says. wait, she knows? This must be the council Caroline told me about. "Don't cause a panic, but let's take this party into the cafeteria, I take the east side of the school, you go west?" she tells Damon and I run back to his car before she sees me. I notice two students walk to a car and talking, untill I see Rose jump them and drink from them. Crap! I run up to them and pull the girls body away. "Rose, stop!" SHe tries to bite me but I dodge down and grab her ankle. She falls down on the ground. She tries to grab me but I hit her in the face hard, making her fall back and being catched by Damon. He breaks her neck and swings her over his shoulder. "I'll take care of her. You take care of the body?" I nod while he compels the other girl. I quickly call for the sherrif. I kneel down by the girl and pretend to cry. "It was an animal." I cry out to Caroline's mom. She sighs. "Another one." I nod and sniff untill a deputy takes me away for my statement.

I run towards Caroline as soon as I see her. "Where were you?" she asks. "Talking to Damon, doesn't matter. But Rose killed the janitor and a student. The bite is driving her nuts. Who knows what she'll do next." Caroline sighs. "I'm meeting Elena at the grill, see ya!"

When Elena and I are both drinking some soda we see Tyler take a seat on Jules' table. We both listen. "Thank you for coming." She says. "So what do you want from me?" "Just to be your friend. Mason would have wanted that. I know about Mason and you." Oh fack to the no. "You know what?" TYLER IS U DUMB?! "I know you're a werewolf and I know your little friend Caroline is a vampire." I have better hearing than Elena so I quickly explain what I heard before they continue. "How do you know about Caroline?" "Can't you snif them out?" oh no oh no he's gonna know about Damon and Stefan and Rose and- "Oh my god. You're brand ne. How many times have you turned?" Tyler doesn't answer and she leans over to put her hand on his. "Hey, I can help you." No you can't and it's not necasarry. "Do you know where Mason is?" YEah that's what I would like to know. I tell Elena and her face changes. She knows something. "He's dead, Tyler. He was murdered." Wait, WHUUUUT? "NO." Tyler says. "You want to know who murdered him?" "Just stop." "Your little blond vampire did."

What is she trying to do? "She and her little vampire friends werre behind it, Tyler." Aaaaaaand there we go. "Caroline is the only vampire in town." "Is that what she told you? she lied. This town is crawling with vampires but don't worry, we'll get them." Can she die allready? "Who are you?" Tyler asks. "I'm your friend. There are others like us on the way." OH FAAAACK NO. What do I do what do I do?! Tell Damon and kinda betray Tyler, or tell Tyler and admit I eavesdropped, or don't do anyting at all? I fill Elena in and than get going. I get into my car and drive to the Salvatore Boarding house. I run inside without knocking and see Damon sitting all alone in the living room. "WHat happened?" I ask. "I killed Rose. She asked me to. She was hurting too much. Why are you here?" I sigh and sit down. "I came to check on you." No I didn't but now I do.

"I appreciate the gesture. I'm just glad it's over." I hand him a glass of scotch. "You know, I don't really believe that." I say. "Go home, Rosalie. Get some rest. It's a whole new day tomorrow." "Damon, I'm trying to be your friend." "I'm well aware of that." "And a friend usually knows when a friend is hurting."

"WHat do you want to hear? That I cared about Rose? That I'm upset? Well I didn't and I'm not." I laugh softly. He's so stubborn. "Pretending not to feel...." "I feel okay? And it sucks! What suks even more is that it was supposed to be me. Jules was coming after me." I place my hand on his shoulder. "You feel quilty." "That would be human of me, wouldn't it Elena? And I'm not human, you want to talk about giving up? That's all you've done is give up! Go home. It's been enough doom, gloom and personal growth for one night."

"Damon." He sighs. "I'm not Elena." His eyes seem to change. "You don't have to do anything for me. I just wanted to know if you're okay, and if you needed anything. And to tell you that there are more werewolves coming this way..." He starts to laugh. "You're so unsubtle. But don't worry, we'll deal with it. Just make sure you don't kill anyone." He says and we both laugh. "I can do that." We look at each other and there's a long silence, but not an unconfartable one. "I'm gonna make myself some food." and I run of to their kitchen.


"You brought back John Gilbert? That was your big 'save Elena' move?" I hear Damon says when I run into their living room and fall down on their couch. Hey, I can't help it. This thing is way too comfartable. "I went to go look for Isobel, and I got John instead. He said he can help us, and we're desparate." Stefan answers. "JUst a second, who are John and Isobel?" "Isobel is Alaric ex wife who ran of after I turned her and John is the brother of Jeremy's father and also they are Elena's real parents." Damon says and I nod confused. "Right." "But we're not that desperate Stefan! The guy tried to barbecue me!" I have trouble holding back my laughter. "Damon, Bonnie's new witch friend is working with Elijah, so we have to assume that the moonstone was never destroyed. Elena is putting all of ehr faith into some deal that she made with Elijah to keep everyone safe. I mean, do you trust Elijah? I don't trust him. He's an original, he can't be trusted. it's not like we can just go up and kill him, because apparently, he can't die!" Stefan says, on extreme overdrive. "I'm still waiting where John Gilbert is the answer." "He knew about the sacrifice, Isobel told him. He said he knew a way to keep Elena safe." Hmm. "He's got a point, Damon." Damon rolls his eyes. "Caroline just texted me. '911 NOW'. Rose, let's go." I nod and follow Stefan outside to his car.


"What's wrong?" I ask Caroline when we enter her house. "Tyler knows about you and Damon. He knows that Damon killed Mason. I didn't say a word." They both look frustrated and than notice my face. "What do you know?" Stefan asks. "I may have overheard Tyler and Jules talk this afternoon and forgot to tell y'all because when I came to your house to tell Damon he got me all distracted because of Rose and his humanity and Elena and-" "This is bad." Stefan says. "Tyler looked so upset. The look on his face, he was so betrayed."

"You're not gonna tell Damon, are you?" She asks nervously. "No! He allready wants to kill him, he thinks are werewolves need to die, and he's not wrong to think that, Caroline. I mean, what if Tyler tries to retaliate? He has every right to. He could get himself killed." Stefan answers. "Well, we're not gonna let that happen. we have to get to him and reason with him before he does anythin stupid. You have to talk to him. Just try to explain, you know? You always know the right thing to say, okay? He and I.... we're friends." I say to Stefan. 

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